My favorite dish of all-time is the steak tartare at Red Square in Mandalay Bay in Vegas. I would be a little concerned eating raw ground beef obtained from the grocery store, although the tartare from the restaurant probably gets it from the same place. Can’t sue yourself, though, if you get violently ill.
[quote]TunaMonkey wrote:
My favorite dish of all-time is the steak tartare at Red Square in Mandalay Bay in Vegas. I would be a little concerned eating raw ground beef obtained from the grocery store, although the tartare from the restaurant probably gets it from the same place. Can’t sue yourself, though, if you get violently ill.[/quote]
Especially Puerto Rican beef. They will eat stray dogs, so who the hell knows what kind of meat is in the “ground beef”.
[quote]TunaMonkey wrote:
I would be a little concerned eating raw ground beef obtained from the grocery store, although the tartare from the restaurant probably gets it from the same place. Can’t sue yourself, though, if you get violently ill.[/quote]
If the ground beef you’re eating came from your fridge that you got from the grocery store, you’re asking for trouble. If you want to make steak tartare, do what good restaurants do, buy some strip steak and slice or chop it finely yourself. As far as suing the grocery store, good luck. It’s common knowledge that fools eating raw ground beef run the risk of getting the shits.
other than this one particular girl i know steak tartare is probably my favorite dish.
listen to tool and DO NOT do this with a pre-cut steak from the store. do it with a larger cut you’re breaking down yourself and clean the outers for stew meat or stir fry whatever. there are no “germs” inside a piece of meat unless you’ve got a diseased animal which you don’t if it was inspected. also do not do this unless you have a clean kitchen. clean boards, clean knives, clean hands…KLEEEEEN.
i don’t get the egg yolk on top thing…the egg yolks are what make it all come together and should be mixed with the other stuff, starting with mustard and chopped anchovy and then ketchup, worcestershire & tobasco, and then some cognac and then chopped cornichons, onion, capers, & parsley. and the mix with your meat , shape it and eat. do not wait…this is FRESH.
i think tartare is best with a nice marbeled sirloin. tenderloin gives a great texture but is too lean and doesn’t seem to blend all those other flavors into the magic that makes a great tartare.
“l’express” in montreal makes an awesome tartare. so does that girl i know.
I felt nauseous when the OP said he made it with ground beef, thats sick dude (no to mention the risk of getting worms or something). Here’s what good steak tartar is made out of:
ground tenderloin
1 egg
sea salt, ground pepper
Mix into a bowl, eat spread on a slice of rye bread. Make sure you keep it refrigerate it and only keep it for max 2 days.
That’s funny that you mention Mandalay Bay! My favorite of all time is the kobe beef tartare that they make at StripSteak in Mandalay Bay (which might, BTW, be my favorite steak restaurant anywhere – which is saying a lot).
The waiter brings a dish on a cart next to your table and mixes all the seasonings into the kobe tartar right in front of you, then serves you. OutRAGEOUSLY good!!
[quote]TunaMonkey wrote:
My favorite dish of all-time is the steak tartare at Red Square in Mandalay Bay in Vegas. I would be a little concerned eating raw ground beef obtained from the grocery store, although the tartare from the restaurant probably gets it from the same place. Can’t sue yourself, though, if you get violently ill.[/quote]