5x5/3/1 - c23w1d2
Monday - 03 April 2023
Workout: Squat, 0515-0630 (75 minutes)
Indigo-3G - 0500
Surge - 0530-0621
Throws + jumps
Begin: 0539; End: 0624; Duration: 45 minutes
Squat - 100x5, 125x5, 155x5 | 180x5, 210x5 | (235x5)x5
Pull-up - BW - 10, 10, 10
Dip - 75 lbs - 10, 10, 10
HLR - 20, 10
BPA - red - 10 high + 10 mid + 10 low
Push-up - 30
Good morning - 145 - 10, 10
Assistance totals:
Push - 60 reps
Pull - 60 reps
Single-leg/core - 50 reps
Semi-fasted: black coffee upon waking, then Indigo-3G and Surge as above.
Folks, I’m either gonna get stronger or I’m going to fail.
But I’m also going to learn something about myself in this process, so it’s already a win, no matter what happens. That much is inevitable!
Warm-up sets in 11 minutes, work sets in 10 minutes, 5x5 top sets in 19 minutes. Assistance was superset throughout: squat-assistance, repeat.
Everything hurt today: my legs and lower back were tired, my SI joints were creaky, my left elbow was just absolutely screaming, my right lat was making itself known, and even my upper abdominals were unhappy for some reason. Normally all of that goes away after the first few warm-up sets, but not today.
Made it through, though, and it didn’t take forever. JW wants the 5x5 top sets done in 20 minutes, and though I had a bit of time to spare today, I wasn’t really pushing, and I can easily move the assistance from in-between the sets if necessary.
Oh, and I did more BPAs and push-ups than I intended; some habits die hard, I guess.
Whatever. It was a pretty good day, all in all.