Forever(-ish) BBB - c8w1d7
Saturday - 15 January 2022
Workout: Pwn’s New Year’s Challenge, 0555-0630 (35 minutes)
Squat - 225x20 (rep PR)
Deadlift - 255x19 (rep PR)
So here’s my attempt at Pwn’s New Year’s Challenge, 20-rep squat + 20-rep deadlift:
I had to rest-pause the deadlift, and if you watch carefully, I only did 19 reps—are you kidding me!?! I had at least one more in me, I just thought I had done 20. But, yeah, we know anything past 10 and I lose track…
Anyway, both of those weights are +15-lbs PRs for WMs on those lifts, and I’ve certainly never done them back-to-back like that. Yes, it took me forever to move from the squat to deadlift, so I was “resting,” but I did what I could do.
More typical Saturday work to follow later today.
Edit: Just in case future-me forgets: this work was fasted and within about an hour of waking. Just one cup of black coffee. I did my typical DB warm-up for squats and deads, then did some squat warm-ups with the barbell: 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, and 275x1. Figured I’d be good and warm after 225x20, so I didn’t bother with any barbell warm-up sets for deadlift.