5x5/3/1 - c23w2d2
Monday - 10 April 2023
Workout: Squat, 0515-0620 (65 minutes)
Indigo-3G - 0500
Surge - 0530-0615
Throws + jumps
Begin: 0537; End: 0617; Duration: 40 minutes
Squat - 110x5, 140x5, 165x5 | 195x5, 220x5 | (250x5)x5
Dip - 75 lbs - 10, 10, 10
HLR - 20, 10
Pull-up - BW - 10, 10, 10
Push-up - 30
Good morning - 145 - 10, 10
BPA - red - 10 high + 10 mid + 10 low
Assistance totals:
Push - 60 reps
Pull - 60 reps
Single-leg/core - 50 reps
Semi-fasted: black coffee upon waking, then Indigo-3G and Surge as above.
Super happy with this morning’s squats: It didn’t take long for the 5x5s here to get heavier than in Cycle 22, and though maybe I’ve done 5x5 for FSL with more weight in some earlier run with a higher TM (don’t know for sure and I don’t have time to check), I’m only in Week 2 of a 9-week template, so this bodes well for where I’m headed.
Everything else was solid, and I moved through it all pretty quickly.
Looking to run Pwn’s 2022 New Year’s Challenge later today, but I’ll be giving breathing squats a try rather than just a typical Widowmaker that I try to crush as quickly as possible. Stay tuned for more…
Edit: I did this morning’s warm-up sets in 10 minutes, main work in 9 minutes, 5x5 top sets in 15 minutes, and I superset the assistance moves throughout, just like always.