BCAA and Insulin Levels?

Maybe someone here can help me understand the bcaa/insulin increase issue.

I am on the AD and have seen good fat loss with some muscle gain. I’m guessing I am carb intolerant because I am eating more calories on the AD than before with carbs, while still losing fat.

So, if bcaa’s do elevate insulin, doesn’t taking them contradict the whole idea of a low carb diet?

I’ve been staring at this bottle since they arrived, paranoid that taking them will be like eating a spoon full of sugar. :smiley:

Forgive me if I’m dumb, but thanks in advance.

You’re forgiven.

Seriously though, I do not have enough knowledge on the subject to answer.

I’m guessing that the benefits of the BCAA will far outweigh any slight increase of insulin (if indeed they do that) or else they wouldn’t be so widely prescribed.

bcaas are insulinogenic. there’s a study on the american journal of clinical nutrition (albeit with not many people) saying that the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, lysine, and valine were the most insulinogenic. anyways, it seems that taking bcaas has an anti-catabolic effect without affecting fat loss. if you’re eating fats on the ad it would seem you’re in a fat burning mode. taking bcaas while on a low carb diet such as the ad is probably a good thing and like the above poster said probably will outweigh any rise in insulin.

if you’re eating low carb and you do raise insulin significantly your body is more sensitive to it since it is not being raised very often. another thing, you gotta try it out on yourself. experiment. if fat loss slows or stops don’t take it. if you notice improvements…well i think you get the point


So, in my situation, would you advise to take them with food? That is where I fear the insulin thing the most. I understand that many take them before bed but I drink a casein/whey shake with olive oil before bed. I’m guessing that is one time you dont want much insulin production at all.

I work midnights and Im getting ready for bed, thats why Im asking at 0921 hours. Thanks again

You also have to realize that during a BCAA induced spike there isn’t any sugars for the isulin to store as fat, either. Insulin spikes are good since they shuttle nutrients to the muscles. In this case it’s BCAA’s.

What the AD tries to avoid concerning insulin spikes is spikes from carbs. Besides, the spike from BCAA’s is VERY mild compared to a carb induced spike. Fear not the BCAA insulin spike, it does a body good.


[quote]roberds wrote:

So, in my situation, would you advise to take them with food? That is where I fear the insulin thing the most. I understand that many take them before bed but I drink a casein/whey shake with olive oil before bed. I’m guessing that is one time you dont want much insulin production at all.

I work midnights and Im getting ready for bed, thats why Im asking at 0921 hours. Thanks again[/quote]

I think the best time to take BCAA’s during the AD is peri-workout. This is is the best time for your body to have insulin spikes. Since you can’t take advantage of a product like Surge, spiking your insulin with BCAA’s will help the Whey you hopefully are taking at the same time get carted to your muscles quickly.

And the more the better.


Cool thanks.

I’m gonna start snacking on these things like candy then around the workout.

[quote]cueball wrote:
You also have to realize that during a BCAA induced spike there isn’t any sugars for the isulin to store as fat, either. Insulin spikes are good since they shuttle nutrients to the muscles. In this case it’s BCAA’s.

What the AD tries to avoid concerning insulin spikes is spikes from carbs. Besides, the spike from BCAA’s is VERY mild compared to a carb induced spike. Fear not the BCAA insulin spike, it does a body good.


People also need to stop using the term “spike” whenever they are referring to a rise in insulin as it’s very misleading.

In most cases, a handful of BCAA tablets will not spike one’s insulin. They will, however, cause a rise in insulin just like most foods.

Well I took my first handful of bcaa today before my workout. I took five about 30 min before. I got off work at 8 this morning and only slept about five hours. I was worried I wouldnt increase my lifts from last week because of the lack of sleep, however, I increased my bench by 10 lbs a side and hit the same reps/sets as last week. Maybe its the placebo effect, but Im excited either way. Its amazing how much you learn from this site. Thanks

[quote]roberds wrote:
Well I took my first handful of bcaa today before my workout. I took five … Maybe its the placebo effect, but Im excited either way.[/quote]

The placebo effect is under appreciated. Your mind is obviously very powerful: use that!

And as to BCAA’s. Take them peri-workout rather than pre.
Poliquin says take 20g or don’t bother so feel free to experiment with more than the 5 pills you threw down.