Bastards Sniped my Barbell


The garage door was left open leaving my barbell and plates in view and now about 275 lbs is gone. Who the hell has the balls these days to idle in my driveway while loading their truck with the worst domestic item you’d want to be caught in the middle of stealing? Guess that’s what you get for living so close to a trailer park.

Good thing the set originally belonged to a middle aged woman who gave me the thing for free having no use for it.

Anywho, if you have anything similar to add have at her. Meanwhile I’ll keep you posted if I apprehend the gnat who did it.

Your avatar + your post made me laugh so hard.

I can’t remember what it’s from but it still cracks me up.

Man I’m gunna miss workin in a gym where I can drop the weight. I bet some crackhead is using that set to do nothing but bicep curls as we speak.

If he can curl 275 lbs, you got a problem on your hands when you catch him.

Unless all he can do is curl.

[quote]ukrainian wrote:
If he can curl 275 lbs, you got a problem on your hands when you catch him.

Unless all he can do is curl.[/quote]

No shit! That’s gonna a problem, I’d probably let him keep the weight. Think Spike helps you train hard try a couple sessions on crack!

Well if he didn’t steal them to use; check the local pawn shops.
Probly hocked them for crack money.

Or steel is going for a premium now, as mentioned before I but @ local iron scrap yards.

Check pawn shops n scrap yards, most keep a record of who they got merchandise from; esp pawn shops incase it is stolen merchnadise.