Bands I Hate

Driving around my truck all day I listen to a lot of radio usually the so called “alternative” station. Jesus they play some real shite. 5 bands I wipe my ass with are

30 Seconds To Mars
Kings Of Leon
Theory Of A Deadman

Alternative my Ass

30 seconds to mars is good shit dude!

Pearl Jam

Nickelback’s debut album actually had some pretty fresh tracks on it but then they turned into a pop band. I really do hate them now. You should watch some backstage/recording footage of Kings of Leon. The lead singer wold get completely fucked up before they recorded and in their older stuff you can really tell. I think the moral here is that alot of Artists start out great, but then quickly become generic shortly after.

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
arab pussy

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
Pearl Jam

I see what you did there.

[quote]aznt0rk wrote:

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
arab pussy

Thanks for that. I dont know what I was thinking.

Best workout bands IMO:

7.High on Fire
9.Static X
10.Rev Theory
11.Old Metallica(Ride the Lightning,Master of Puppets,And Justice for All)

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:

[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
Pearl Jam

I see what you did there.[/quote]

Yes, I went there, now what?

[quote]Angelot wrote:

I’m 16 and just discovered Limewire.




I’ve been waiting for this thread to come 'round.

  1. 311
  2. Creed
  3. Nickelback
  4. Sublime

Then it gets a little odd

  1. That FUCKING 4-non blondes ‘what’s going on’ stupid ass fucking retard song that always find it’s way to wherever I’m trying to enjoy good music.

[quote]biglifter wrote:
I’ve been waiting for this thread to come 'round.

  1. Creed


You can go suck PMPM’s dick.

[quote]biglifter wrote:
I’ve been waiting for this thread to come 'round.

  1. 311
  2. Creed
  3. Nickelback

Then it gets a little odd

  1. That FUCKING 4-non blondes ‘what’s going on’ stupid ass fucking retard song that always find it’s way to wherever I’m trying to enjoy good music.


311 is the shit, you suck.

[quote]Stength4life wrote:
Nickelback’s debut album actually had some pretty fresh tracks on it…[/quote]

Ur a fag!

I never cared much for Green Day.

[quote]SickAbs wrote:

[quote]biglifter wrote:
I’ve been waiting for this thread to come 'round.

  1. 311
  2. Creed
  3. Nickelback

Then it gets a little odd

  1. That FUCKING 4-non blondes ‘what’s going on’ stupid ass fucking retard song that always find it’s way to wherever I’m trying to enjoy good music.


311 sucks, I am the shit.[/quote]


[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:

[quote]biglifter wrote:
I’ve been waiting for this thread to come 'round.

  1. Creed


You can go suck PMPM’s dick.[/quote]

If it would get the word out on a global scale, then yes, gladly.

Wow! I can’t believe another dude out there hates 311 and Sublime.
I’ve always hated it when rock critics compared 311 to Bad Brains. There’s NO FUCKING COMPARISON!

It’s a given that Nickelback is the worst of the worst.