Baking Your UGL Vials to Sterilize?

I saw this post on another forum about putting your vials of gear in the oven to sterilize it before using. Do any of you guys do this?

When you purchase gear off the black market you are at risk for infection, abcesses and even death. It still astounds me today how trusting people are when it comes to gear. Especially from underground labs-I don’t care how pretty the label is.

The worst case scenario is that the gear is “formulated” with grocery store oil, low grade chinese hormone powders, and tons of chemical grade solvents. Chances are these brews are probably mixed in big ceramic bowls and filled into non sterile bottles and capped off. If you are lucky they might bake it first or run it through some leaky clarification filter before they bottle it in their garage. so here we go-this is piggybacked off a thread I wrote:

Why not deal with a problem before it occurs-infections painful gear test flu etc
I have seen thousands of posts in 13 years on these boards about pain inflammation infections cellulitus hell even dead tissue cut out and drained test flu out the ass guys miserable on stuff.

It’s as simple as baking the gear at 130-160 degrees C in the oven for 30 minutes to one hour then vent the vial quickly with a pin.

PEACE of mind. And no it doesn’t destroy or degrade the hormone. If you are really meticulous you can pass it through a .2 um filter into a new vial and bake.

There are 2 goals to ensure that the gear is sterile and the BA pain factor is lower so baking and a dding some blank oil will make your gear like it should be. Potent clean and pain and particulate free.

Do the right thing guys, it your cycle that gets fked up, it’s you life that could go…worse case…take care of yourselves and IF any doubt you are in trouble get the ER 911 ASAP…

  1. I can’t say for sure (maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in), but I don’t think simply baking gear at 130-160C for 30min is enough to “sterilize” it. Also the author mentions filtering the gear as an extra unecessary step. Even if you did bake the gear hot enough and long enough to kill all infectious bacteria, that doesn’t guarantee that there are not small particles floating around in the gear - in fact, if you’re using gear that has never been filtered, then you almost certainly will have things floating around in it.

  2. Baking compounds like Trenbolone in the oven COULD easily degrade your gear. It is a common myth that Tren is immune to such damage and only a few people such as Bill Roberts are telling it like it is.

  3. “Test Flu” isn’t caused by low grade or unsterilized gear - quite the contrary, happens with legitimate gear. I personally get it when running short-estered Testosterone.

I think if you are really worried the best thing you can do is just filter it into a sterile vial with a .2 Whatman. No point is baking it as far as I know.

Just a rookie’s thoughts, that’s all.

[quote]jMill2 wrote:

  1. I can’t say for sure (maybe someone more knowledgeable can chime in), but I don’t think simply baking gear at 130-160C for 30min is enough to “sterilize” it. Also the author mentions filtering the gear as an extra unecessary step. Even if you did bake the gear hot enough and long enough to kill all infectious bacteria, that doesn’t guarantee that there are not small particles floating around in the gear - in fact, if you’re using gear that has never been filtered, then you almost certainly will have things floating around in it.

  2. Baking compounds like Trenbolone in the oven COULD easily degrade your gear. It is a common myth that Tren is immune to such damage and only a few people such as Bill Roberts are telling it like it is.

  3. “Test Flu” isn’t caused by low grade or unsterilized gear - quite the contrary, happens with legitimate gear. I personally get it when running short-estered Testosterone.

I think if you are really worried the best thing you can do is just filter it into a sterile vial with a .2 Whatman. No point is baking it as far as I know.

Just a rookie’s thoughts, that’s all. [/quote]

Pretty much covers it

Bacteria does not thrive well in oil, so if you get an infection from oil based gear, you have to know it was a real dirty lab job lol.

UGL… best way to tell if it is safe is the impression: what does the label look like? the vial e.t.c… does it look like a lot of time effort and resources were gathered to ensure a proffesional design and presentation? or does it look like crap? What is the labs reputation? do you have any friends that have used the product before (friends you actually know and trust… not PYTHON007 of the steroid board).

Blimey, a rare, but welcome post from da Pris’.

I agree with his comments; general impressions of the packaging are not to be ignored. Having said that, in the UK we had a UGL company who made a decent-looking product that was actually shit. They made deca @ 300mg/ml - or so they claimed. In fact all their stuff was claimed to be at least 50% stronger than other brands, but guess what? The results rarely lived up to the hype. Having said that, they were pretty popular because most gym rats who use gear are not the brightest and will want the “strongest gear possible please mate”. Even when you try to explain that the gear they just bought off their mate is NOT the strength on the label that it claims, they don’t care.

Not my problem, lol. I no longer make or source gear. I let the local idiots get on with it, whatever the outcome and only offer advice to people with a brain.