Hey guys, my friend got into a situation tonight and I thought I could rely on my boys at T-Nation to help me out of it.
ALright well, Me and my friend were driving home and he was checking his phone for something, and he looked up and we were heading for the ditch, we tried to get out of the ditch, but the grass was too wet and we hit one of those steel poles on a barbwire fence and ended up on the other side of the fence.
So we gathered ourselves and began thinking on how to get out so we threw it into drive and hauled through the fence again. We drvve up to walmart and bought some spray paint for the roof cause the roof is scratched to hell.
So we threw a coat of paint on it. I donno if we got the right kind or anything, we had a half hour to get home so we were in a hurry. It just has to pass the single glance of his parents in the morning, then hes coming over to my house to fix it early.
We don’t care what the right thing is to do at this point. We want to take a roadtrip this weekend. So something to get us through the weekend. Then we are going to come clean when we get back. What should we do?
Damage: Roof is scratched pretty good, bumper came off the screw that holds it to the car. (We got the screw and it shouldnt be that hard to fix) just the paint is the problem right now.
Please help me out of this guys! Thanks to all of those that help in advance.
[quote]Tation wrote:
Hey guys, my friend got into a situation tonight and I thought I could rely on my boys at T-Nation to help me out of it.
ALright well, Me and my friend were driving home and he was checking his phone for something, and he looked up and we were heading for the ditch, we tried to get out of the ditch, but the grass was too wet and we hit one of those steel poles on a barbwire fence and ended up on the other side of the fence.
So we gathered ourselves and began thinking on how to get out so we threw it into drive and hauled through the fence again. We drvve up to walmart and bought some spray paint for the roof cause the roof is scratched to hell.
So we threw a coat of paint on it. I donno if we got the right kind or anything, we had a half hour to get home so we were in a hurry. It just has to pass the single glance of his parents in the morning, then hes coming over to my house to fix it early.
We don’t care what the right thing is to do at this point. We want to take a roadtrip this weekend. So something to get us through the weekend. Then we are going to come clean when we get back. What should we do?
Damage: Roof is scratched pretty good, bumper came off the screw that holds it to the car. (We got the screw and it shouldnt be that hard to fix) just the paint is the problem right now.
Please help me out of this guys! Thanks to all of those that help in advance.
Why are y ou going to his house, his parents do an inspection on the car then go to work?,
Just say you found some girls and stayed up late somewhere hotel or something, fathers love that.
Just get your buddy to leave his car at your house.
Say he had a beer so you drove him home or got a cab or something. Or you are packing it up for the road trip.
Park it round the corner.
Leave it at school.
Put it in the garage.
There are so many ways to avoid his parents seeing the car in the morning.
Alternatively you could grow a pair. It’s a minor accident, hardly a big deal.
You and your friend are the reason that using hands on cell phones in the car is banned in my state. Get a bluetooth, or we’ll be looking for your name in the yearly Darwin Awards.
Oh yeah, it’s best to come clean with your parents and be willing to accept the consequences like a man, not a coward.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
Dumbass kids that play with their phone while driving shouldn’t have drivers licences.[/quote]
This has become a pet peeve of mine. Talking on the cell phone without a hands-free car kit is illegal in Austria, but the regulation is nearly impossible to enforce comprehensively. Many people do it here and just yesterday, I was nearly hit buy an idiot driving in a sinuous line while talking on the phone. It wasn’t the first time something like this happened…
Haha I love the guys on here complaining “those young whipper snappers and their cell phone nearly ran me off my walker.” How many of you on your high horses used to drag race your old muscle cars when you were younger?
The kid just needs to learn to multitask!
Anyway pick up some touch up paint from a track auto and that will get your roof by. By the way why didn’t you steer while he messed with his cell phone? Not the safest thing to do but hell its better than hitting a ditch…
You better fix that damned fence. For someone who lives in an agricultural state you don’t seem the least bit concerned that you violated someone’s fence.
You seem alot more concerned about your little road trip and I hope the same guy who plowed through the fence isn’t driving because he doesn’t deserve the right to operate a vehicle.
[quote]conorh wrote:
You better fix that damned fence. For someone who lives in an agricultural state you don’t seem the least bit concerned that you violated someone’s fence.
You seem alot more concerned about your little road trip and I hope the same guy who plowed through the fence isn’t driving because he doesn’t deserve the right to operate a vehicle.
[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
Haha I love the guys on here complaining “those young whipper snappers and their cell phone nearly ran me off my walker.” How many of you on your high horses used to drag race your old muscle cars when you were younger?
Drag racing is safer than not looking where you are going and driving off the road into a ditch.
The kid just needs to learn to multitask!
He needs to treat this as a wakeup call. He should realize he is lucky he didn’t hurt himself or someone else.
I guess I have been around too long and seen too many people get seriously hurt or killed in traffic accidents, many of them teenagers.
I also see far too many adults do stupid things behind the wheel while holding a cell phone to their ear.
Well thanks for the help guys. I was screaming at him when we were heading for the ditch and I grabbed the wheel but its hard to turn left sitting in the passenger seat and my friend grabbed the wheel and started screaming “Oh F***” over over and he just kinda grabbed the wheel and didnt turn or nothing.
I learned my lesson for when I get my lisence that is for sure. It wasn’t all that scary though, it was like I knew it wasn’t going to be all that bad. Thanks for the help though, I will tell him to get that touchup paint.
1.) Tell the parents.
2.) Tell the guy whose fence is broken, offer to pay for it or fix it.
In short: man the fuck up.
Parents appreciate honesty, and the landowner whose fence you screwed up will certainly appreciate it too.
Also, parents will be happy you’re alright, but you’ll get punished. The horror of not being able to go on a road trip! I’m just saying here, but the real t-man takes responsibility for the shit he’s done–even if it’s a fuck up. Tell the 'rents; tell the landowner. Waiting to do this can only make things worse.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
CrewPierce wrote:
Haha I love the guys on here complaining “those young whipper snappers and their cell phone nearly ran me off my walker.” How many of you on your high horses used to drag race your old muscle cars when you were younger?
Drag racing is safer than not looking where you are going and driving off the road into a ditch.
The kid just needs to learn to multitask!
He needs to treat this as a wakeup call. He should realize he is lucky he didn’t hurt himself or someone else.
I guess I have been around too long and seen too many people get seriously hurt or killed in traffic accidents, many of them teenagers.
I also see far too many adults do stupid things behind the wheel while holding a cell phone to their ear.[/quote]
Haha hey Zap, I was only kidding about the multitasking man!! Clearly the dude isn’t too capable of driving if he can’t reach for a cell phone and drive…how the hell do you not realize you 1) difted off the road 2) realize you are off the road and correct and 3) not realize you difted off the road, into a ditch, and still not brake and hit a fence!
Let’s face it though the kid lives in ND, there’s no one to hit except the cows and he got the cows fence.
That’s pretty ligit that he needs to fix the fence, the rest of us need our milk, cheese and beef!!