Hello everyone. Just wondering if you guys might be able to help. The last 4 mounts of my life have been hell. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. My world has turned upside down. I have had a horrible trt doc and I’m looking to do a hpta restart. Originally I started trt after my last child was born. I was about 30 pounds over weight and was eating takeout almost every meal and Definitely not sleeping well. 3 kids can be quite stressing at times. I started the program late February of 2018 hoping to increase my energy and lose weight. I noticed lots of strength gains and a crazy sex drive. Besides that nothing different.
-hcg 500iu 2× week, dhea, test 100cyp .6 weekly, vitamin d drops arimidex 1/2 pill 2×weekly
did all for nine months and stoped cold turky in January for 30 days. Felt sluggish so went back on with no hcg.
continued the program for 9 more months.
felt sluggish tired, lots of headaches in Month 8. Went back to company, they recommended that I up my dose from .6 to 1.2 cyp with no arimidex for 2 shots.
June 10th did 1.2 cyp no arimidex
June 14th last injection. Had a wierd rush of anxiety 10 min after injection.
-June 16 left work do to anxiety. Made appointment with family doc right away and gave me anti depression anxiety medication.
-June 18 stayed at hospital. TESTOSTERONE INDUCED ANXIETY PSYCHOSIS symptoms made worse by anti depression medication. This is what the psychiatrist, psychologist, and emergency doctors told me.
-June 19th got a call from a different trt doc but same company. Told me to take 1 arimidex and do bloods next day.( June 20th)
June 21 seen psychologist. Told me my mind was healthy considering events. Get hormones balanced and I’d be back to normal.
-July 5th anxiety was bad and testosterone withdrawal symptoms began…started slow then progressively got worse. Stayed at my moms house so wife and kids didn’t see me crash. Symptoms included anxiety disorder, mood swings, hot flashes, joint pain, weakness, fatigue, nightmares, night sweats, irritably, weight loss - 22 pounds in 30days, shakes, headaches, paranoia, dissociation, extreme anhedonia, extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, insomnia. Wost experience of my life.
-Aug 25th I decided to help my self as doctors here seem to be very unknowledgeable when it comes to testosterone replacement therapy. Original trt doc has no idea on how to do a hpta restart. I started reading as much as possible about hpta and PCT nolvadex and hcg.
Sept 1st started hcg 500iu ×2 weekly
Sept 3rd seen psychologist told me I was very healthy. Horrible experience but keep on the path to knowledge.
Sep 5th depression symptoms started to fade
Sep 10th anxiety faded feeling back to self
Sep 15th anxiety back 10 hours after injection of hcg and definitely irritable
Sept 17 hospital! happy 33rd birthday me! Lol stupid anxiety.
Sept 19 seen endocrinologist. Told me my test and e2 were definitely way to high. Probably why my anxiety came back. Suggested that I lower my dosage to 250iu 2×week.
I’m on week 3 of 250iu
Please understand that before the last trt increase without arimidex I never experienced any mental health problems. Never experienced anxiety or depression… I find that my body is extremely sensitive to testosterone and HCG.
I have access to medical HCG and Nolvadex. If anyone could please guide me or offer opinion through a good safe pct using the above I would be forever grateful. I also understand that my ignorance to trt was the downfall to my own demise. Please dont be to critical.
So you want to get off TRT completely, right? And the reason is that you didnt improve in areas that you hoped you would?
What exactly is the reason for the hCG? Do you want to regain testicular size?
Your testis seem to be quite responsive.
The hCG mimicks LH and thereby surpresses your LH and FSH secretion by the pituitary. If you want to restart the hypothalamus pituitary testes axis then you need to stop the hCG and take exclusively clomiphene or tamoxifene. This will surpress the feedback via estrogen and restart your HPTA.
I seeing all but one of your lab testing showing low estrogen, maybe this was partly to blame for anxiety. I have come across men who are prone to anxiety on TRT and these men seem to do better on more frequent dosing. It’s not the testosterone that causing the anxiety, it is the unnatural spikes in injectable testosterone that is causing the problems.
This can be mitigated by very frequent dosing, daily injections usually does the trick because your levels are not spiking as high and the peaks and trough are minimized. The HCG can also cause anxiety in men at any dosage, some men just can’t touch the stuff.
You thought TRT and HCG was bad, wait until you try clomid! Clomid is worse and have many nasty sides effects, men who otherwise don’t have psychological problems learn what it’s like to though on clomid.
There is a lot in your post to suggest you never were working with knowledgeable doctors, 1mg anastrozole, no wonder there were problems. The AI’s wreck me on only 0.050 anastrozole because I’m an AI over-responder.
I’m not sure if I’m reading it correctly but it looks like estrogen went from 127 to not enough to measure. Does that correlate with the bad stuff happening?
If you are doing a reset there’s a few decent threads about it here. Also, look in the pharma section where they are going on and off successfully all the time.
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Wow thanks guys for all the info. You have no idea how much this helps. Yes it definitely collaborates with the spiks in mood, extreme anxiety and depression. Yes, my testicles came back and yes, I was hoping that testosterone would do more. I believe now that from poor diet and lack of sleep also excess body fat was the reasoning for the low testosterone. Lol The 3 monster kids dont help. The reason I went back on hcg was because after month 2 of no testosterone (testosterone crash) I was extremely depressed and was unable to work.
I read some forms saying that HCG for one month followed by nolvadex for one month would be a simple hpta restart. Unfortunately doctors here in Canada are not willing to supply me with nolvadex or Clomid, so I had to seek help u.s., Arizona specifically… The doctor I spoke with their suggested that I did 750Hcg twice a week and include 20 nolvadex at the same time. Some of the literature I have read online States that I should only do nolvadex after HCG. And some say the opposite do nolvadex with HCG.
Things can be very contradicting I figured asking the forms with people who may have experienced what I have would be a better safer solution. Hopfully the nolvadex should be here within the next week or so. My plan is to stop hcg then do nolvadex. I was thinking 40,20,20,20
Does that sound appropriate?
I would think @iron_yuppie can likely give you a decent idea about using nolva to restart. I know from reading in pharma after a cycle that they use hcg (if they use hcg at all) right up until the day you start the nolva but don’t take it together. From what I remember you are using the nolva to get the body to start producing its own “hcg”. Using hcg with nolva will suppress this.