i put on 24 pounds in two months and it is really bad around my hips and lower stomach. It seems im only gaining water RETN and fat around my stomach but im keeping carbs low and cardio in which is keeping me lean everywhere else.
has anyone out there had a bad cycle of HGH ???
How much are you running/day?
My first HGH blast I gained about 18 pounds of water in the first 2 months but by month 3 it starts coming off. I’m at month 4 and getting leaner (for me). You can see my thread here:
Good morning,
I started taking 4 iu/day of generic Chinese HGH on June 1. In the beginning shots were at night, but about a week in, I changed to morning for convenience and to see if there were any differences from my previous blast of night time shots.
While on HGH, I also ran 500 Test and 300 Mast in the first couple of months but then tapered the Mast down to about 200 until it ran out last week. I also reduced Test to 250/week about a month ago.
Around August 1st, I added 50 mg of Anava…
You might consider taking metformin for insulin control. I do.