Now that’s a cheat snack. Saw them at Whole Foods.
I’ve had one before. It was actually good. The pieces of bacon in the bar are small as to not overpower the chocolate.
I’m sure these bars are perfect for pregnant women that get weird cravings.
I like bacon. And I like chocolate. But that sounds disgusting.
Haha. My teacher once went on a rant about bacon. His wife almost bought a shirt that said “Bacon is meat candy.” And then he said Stumble Upon showed him this site about like a bacon fanclub lmfao.
Oh man… . I have to get one. We are planning a whole bacon birthday gift thing for my brother. Enen giving his wife bacon flavored lip gloss.
[quote]OctoberGirl wrote:
Oh man… . I have to get one. We are planning a whole bacon birthday gift thing for my brother. Enen giving his wife bacon flavored lip gloss.[/quote]
You live near a whole foods…they cost 8 bucks…fyi
Now this is functional…
I want one for my birthday.
thats what i should have had for breakfast!
Vosages is chicago based so I can go pick them up a little cheaper at their stores. Like $6 for a bar…these are pretty freakin’ awesome. I also like their wassabe one.
America sounds like such an amazing country…
chomps down on healthy protein bar
Bacon is a great thing but I don’t know about this one.
Is it milk chocolate or dark bitter-sweet? I imagine the darker chocolate working alot better than sweet milk chocolate because its capable of being savory ala Mexican mole
[quote]Paste42 wrote:
Now this is functional…[/quote]
shit, fat people will have a blast using baconlube.