[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
Brook wrote:
Also at what length of time HCG is beneficial? Seeing as the testes are not working after 3 weeks surely any cycle over 4 weeks would benefit…
Being someone who isn’t looking to have kids right now, and probably isn’t too worried with how his testes look, would Way need HCG at all?
[quote]Dynamo Hum wrote:
HCG makes a cycle so much more pleasant. It keeps the testes plump. I find it improves libido too and removes awkward feelings that atrophy can bring on. As bushmaster stated it also makes recovery a lot easier. If Way does 10 weeks of enanthate that is 12 weeks shut down. Running HCG at 250iu EOD will definitely facilitate getting back on track after that. Even if Way does his last two weeks with prop, HCG will still be a big help. It is not expensive and easy to mix. Way, step up it’s time to incorporate HCG into your cycles.[/quote]
I would say that for most - a mere 2 weeks of suppression following a long estered cycle is impossible - EVEN with the most effective use of PCT and HCG.
Think about it like this - 10 weeks of full suppression, plus 2 weeks of waiting - also suppression… plus anything from 4-6 weeks of serm usage during which suppression is slowly reduced, or a test taper where suppression is controlled for an extended perion. Either way the individual is still suppressed 12 weeks after starting the 10 week cycle. They will have some form of suppression a good 2-3 weeks into the PCT depending on the aggressiveness of the cycle on the HPTA.
For the point to be worthwhile though, the time needed to recover WILL be less when using HCG - thats with any suppressive cycle of any length IMO.
I really don’t think anyone needs to frontload when they are running 1g/w…your body will respond to that dose even as levels build. I assume after the long layoff you’ve had your body would respond to even less than that.
Personally I found 1g+ to be too much for me so I would recommend slowly ramping up until you find out how much is too much.
I’ve always liked having all drugs out of my system while I’m still on test before going into pct. It just seems like a smoother ride. Certain drugs seem to have differing effects on estro and estro rebound, etc. It just seems from my first experience where I ran different drugs longer than test that recovery was a bit more difficult than this last run which was much smoother. I will follow this theory with SERM pct or taper.
the reason for splitting the dbol and tren up is that you get the dbol in early. imo even with a frontload orals kick in faster and you’ll have that feeling of being ‘on’ much sooner. Also I am beginning to be a believer in running different drugs at different times with maybe a week or two of overlap. I believe it might keep the body from adjusting to the same hormones at the same dose for a long period of time.
Also your a big SOB haha but keep in mind the body only grows soo fast and if I recall last time you blew up on 500mg/wk test solo. If taken 6 months off you should respond very well again and you might not need a gram of test per week.
I know it sounds enticing but like I said the body only grows so fast and using more gear than needed to grow will only yield more sides not more muscle. Not discouraging you but just pointing it out. If you think you’d grow on 500-750mg/wk test combined with tren AND dbol then you save $$, gear, and the risk for potential sides.
keep and eye on blood pressure your getting bigger and Tren made mine jump up quite a bit and I’ve heard the same about Dbol.
looking good dood and I know you do your research so all that is just my opinion and two cents…more ideas thrown out there I guess. LOL
Well as far as the HCG goes, I’m afraid it won’t be happening this cycle. I have $600 of rent due on August 1st and that doesn’t leave me a whole lot of money to fool around with. On another note, my balls are pretty damn big haha, I wouldn’t really mind if I got some atrophy
DG! Great to hear from you man. I was planning on running the drugs that way because some of the vets (BBB and a few others I can’t remember at the moment) were saying that kickstarting with dbol is not as beneficial as it was thought to be. I understand the whole frontload thing and I’m kind of like 50/50 on it, but in the end I think it still comes around to it taking 4 weeks for the test to kick in. I’m not to concerned about feeling “on” right away, as I feel that this time off has made me more disciplined. Kind of what brook mentioned, I feel like a bodybuilder using drugs instead of vice versa like when I first started. I just think the 6 weeks synergy that I will get from all 3 will be bad ass. In the end, I’m just experimenting with everything. I’m pretty sure I will be using this combo again next time so I may try it your way next.
I will say though it’s going to be a real bitch looking at the dbol and tren everyday for 6 weeks before I can use it, lol!
Brook-Yah it’s hard for me to gauge my bodyfat, my body is kind of weird. Even now I can see some faint striations in my triceps and I’m no where near being considered lean. And about the abs, it’s kind of a funny thing. I used to be a chubby kid back in like 5th and 6th grade so what I did was flex my abs when I am walking around pretty much 24/7. I’ve been doing that since then, and after like 7 years of that my abdominals have become pretty prominent even at higher bodyfats, it’s pretty strange.
And yah, I should have spit up that 3 cc shot lol, after being away for so long I forgot that 2 cc was the highest I could comfortably go. Silly me.
I know it sounds enticing but like I said the body only grows so fast and using more gear than needed to grow will only yield more sides not more muscle. Not discouraging you but just pointing it out. If you think you’d grow on 500-750mg/wk test combined with tren AND dbol then you save $$, gear, and the risk for potential sides.
I actually had a few reasons for purchasing this much gear and planning on a heavy cycle. One was I had plenty of disposable income at the time so I could afford a little excess. And two, I switched sources and this guy’s prices and product list was much better, not to mention highly recommended. When I was forced to pay 115 for 10 ml of test and then all the sudden it only cost me like 55, you can bet I was excited hah and wanted to capitalize on that.
I’m kind of in the “more is better” camp when it comes to most things. More calories, heavier weights, and in this case more drugs. Not that I always stick to that adage, but I just find it much more exciting and rewarding to tred in the upper limits.
(please don’t take this to mean I will turn into palumbo or Kovacs lol, I don’t plan on going above 1g of test anytime soon)
Whats the most testosterone you’ve run on a weekly basis? Just curious[/quote]
Hey man, thanks for dropping by.
My last cycle I ran was 1g/week for 6 weeks with a frontload. Went pretty well but I felt 6 weeks was just way to short, I felt like I was coming off right as I was getting the full effect which is why I opted for a longer cycle this time around.
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Good luck
I’ll be reading with interest.
Whats the most testosterone you’ve run on a weekly basis? Just curious
Hey man, thanks for dropping by.
My last cycle I ran was 1g/week for 6 weeks with a frontload. Went pretty well but I felt 6 weeks was just way to short, I felt like I was coming off right as I was getting the full effect which is why I opted for a longer cycle this time around.[/quote]
Sounds like you’ve already bought all your gear, but why did you choose Test-E over Prop? Just curious.
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Good luck
I’ll be reading with interest.
Whats the most testosterone you’ve run on a weekly basis? Just curious
Hey man, thanks for dropping by.
My last cycle I ran was 1g/week for 6 weeks with a frontload. Went pretty well but I felt 6 weeks was just way to short, I felt like I was coming off right as I was getting the full effect which is why I opted for a longer cycle this time around.[/quote]
Cool. I was just asking just to have an idea of your history when reading the results of this cycle.
I’m still debating if I want to run a low dose of test with a higher dose of tren and tren or a high (for me ~700mg/wk) dose of test with a bit less tren and dbol. Maybe I’ll just flip a coin
[quote]DOHCrazy wrote:
waylanderxx wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Good luck
I’ll be reading with interest.
Whats the most testosterone you’ve run on a weekly basis? Just curious
Hey man, thanks for dropping by.
My last cycle I ran was 1g/week for 6 weeks with a frontload. Went pretty well but I felt 6 weeks was just way to short, I felt like I was coming off right as I was getting the full effect which is why I opted for a longer cycle this time around.
Sounds like you’ve already bought all your gear, but why did you choose Test-E over Prop? Just curious.
Prop is a much more expensive. It’s like $10 cheaper than 10 ml of test E but the concentration is only usually 100mg/ml instead of 250/ml. So you only get 1g of prop per 10 ml and 2.5g of test e per 10 ml.
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
DOHCrazy wrote:
waylanderxx wrote:
BONEZ217 wrote:
Good luck
I’ll be reading with interest.
Whats the most testosterone you’ve run on a weekly basis? Just curious
Hey man, thanks for dropping by.
My last cycle I ran was 1g/week for 6 weeks with a frontload. Went pretty well but I felt 6 weeks was just way to short, I felt like I was coming off right as I was getting the full effect which is why I opted for a longer cycle this time around.
Sounds like you’ve already bought all your gear, but why did you choose Test-E over Prop? Just curious.
Prop is a much more expensive. It’s like $10 cheaper than 10 ml of test E but the concentration is only usually 100mg/ml instead of 250/ml. So you only get 1g of prop per 10 ml and 2.5g of test e per 10 ml.[/quote]
Gotcha. I personally think it is worth the extra cost. (Yes, I know you didn’t ask my opinion.)
Whats the most testosterone you’ve run on a weekly basis? Just curious
Hey man, thanks for dropping by.
My last cycle I ran was 1g/week for 6 weeks with a frontload. Went pretty well but I felt 6 weeks was just way to short, I felt like I was coming off right as I was getting the full effect which is why I opted for a longer cycle this time around.
Sounds like you’ve already bought all your gear, but why did you choose Test-E over Prop? Just curious.
Prop is a much more expensive. It’s like $10 cheaper than 10 ml of test E but the concentration is only usually 100mg/ml instead of 250/ml. So you only get 1g of prop per 10 ml and 2.5g of test e per 10 ml.
Gotcha. I personally think it is worth the extra cost. (Yes, I know you didn’t ask my opinion.)
Good luck with your cycle man.
If I was to run 1g/week of prop that would cost me like $500 by itself. My entire cycle including anciliaries didn’t cost that much. No way do I think it’s worth the extra cost lol