Hey guys! I been trying to come up with some fun ideas for a bachelor party but I’ve never been to/organized one before. Tradition dictates that there be strippers, but which is better going to a club or hiring one independently. On another note, here in good old backwards Regina, city bylaws prohibits alcohol consumption anywhere there is nude or scantily clad female entertainment. So there is one strip club in town, but you can’t drink there. - supposedly this bylaw was introduced when an aerobics demonstration was set up next to the beer gardens at the summer exhibition and an ugly incident ensued-.
I was taking to a guy the other day who was at a bachelor party where everyone went to play paintball, which I thought might be cool. Anyway, I would welcome any suggestions people might have, clean or otherwise Or if anyone has any good bachelor party stories to tell, I would appreciate the input.
Don’t cross strippers and paintball. They really don’t like that. I promise.
Paintball and the strip would be intreasting. Or how about fishing and hiring a stripper to go on the boat.
Yeah, I can see that now…“Hey, how about you come strip for us for a few hours out on our boat. In the middle of a large body of water. Where they can’t hear you say ‘no’. That’d be cool.”
I reccomend hired entertainment. And if you can afford it, two is better than one!
The one I went to, we had a stipper at the house. We all got liquored up, except for our designated driver. We all then piled into a rented minivan and went out to strip bars.
One of the most fun bachelor parties I’ve been to had no strippers (I can hear the gasps now – BLASHPEMY!!!). We went to a summer home on Camano Island and had a ski boat and a few jet skis, and just had a great time. Of course there was a lot of beer and booze around, but no one got into any heavy drinking until after dark (when the boats got pulled in). Then we just BS’d until well into the night (we were all a bunch of college engineering buds, which may have some bearing on it), then went home.
hey brider please tell me that you had atleast a few ladies with you. does sound like fun though!
Go golf about 36 holes and get so liquored up that you can’t hit any of the three balls you see.
…and you know…like bring a stripper out there with you or something.
I’m liking this:
- go do this (insert, whatever: boating, golfing), and…bring a stripper.
How about, go bowling, get really drunk and…bring a stripper.
Have a tupperware party, get really drunk and…bring a stripper.
Anyone else? Sorry, just bored this afternoon…
Is it too late to book Nicole Bass? I’d pay to see him jump out of a cake.
Forget about the stripper. Hire a T-vixen to come and pose for you and your buddies, and then arm-wrestle the groom-to-be. If she wins, (which is inevitable), come up with a suitable “punishment”.
God, the strippers in Regina. Probably only about 30 teeth between all 12 of them. And thats a fact, jack.
I’m surprised that none of our buddies have connected the names Vagina (Regina) and Sasnatchewan (saskatchewan) yet…OOPS!
Why don’t you go tip over some sleeping cows? (and then bring out a stripper…)
So far I’m thinking we’ll get drunk… play golf with some strippers… drink some more… go fishing and shoot the shit… shoot some cows with paintball guns and then get Nicole Bass to wrestle one of the cows. Oh yeah, and thanks for for pointing that out SmileCreator!
CMC: "I’d pay to see HIM jump out of a cake. " That made me spew food all over the place! I’m trying to eat here!
SKMAN: if this guy is a really good friend or a brother/cousin he must have a stripper. All you need to do , is hire the strippers for a night. Get em to dance a little, then they put on some robes and drink w/ the guys, then they strip soe more until they sleep w/ everybody in the room. Just offer em some coke , works every time.
by the way, im single now so if anybody wants to share their chick w/ me im in texas -lumbernac
Just an idea
-My brother went on a bachelor party where they took a train from Detroit to Chicago and back again. I don’t know first hand but the photos of the trip look like they had a great time. They went to a nifty place for dinner and a few different strip bars with tons of booze included. Later that night they sequestered one of the strippers to come back to their room for the private show. Too bad the Groom was already passed out…
Now with that being said… Can you take a train from Regina to Saskatoon or Calgary? The strippers will be of a higher quality as well as choices for good dinners and hotels.
Just a thought.
Strippers are good for eye candy but this isn’t their first bachelor party. Hedge your bet and hire hookers!!
How about get a stripper really drunk and take off your clothes for her…hey, she’s still getting paid.
Notes from my brother’s BP:
A club is always better than an “at home” stripper. There’s a larger selection of women, probably something to meet everyone’s tastes.
If you have stupid laws regarding strip clubs, you can usually drive a little and get away from them. In SC, some counties make the strippers wear “pasties”, so you don’t even get to see boobs. But there’s always a couple of strip clubs about a mile over the next county line, where the rule doesn’t apply.
Best Idea Ever: Rent a short bus. You can usually get one from a locally owned rental car agency. They usually fit about 15. You only need 1 driver. There’s plenty of room for people to move around. We even stocked with bus with a couple of coolers of beer. As long as the driver isn’t drinking, you’ll be cool. But that’s up to you.
Yeah, we were thinking of maybe doing a road trip. The nearest places with strip clubs are Saskatoon or Brandon, MB. Sasktoon is about a 2.5 hr drive and Brandon is 3.5-4 hrs. I like the bus idea!