Hello All -
Been reading through lots and lots of forums over the last few years but thought I’d finally take the plunge of joining one and posting something up.
A little about me…, 32 years old and have been on “TRT” for the past 18 months. I had done quite a few AAS cycles prior and eventually just stopped PCTing. The “TRT” regimen is self prescribed and consists of weekly T @ 125mg. I also take .5mg arimidex every 7-10 days. I get blood tests every 3-6 months and everything is within range with the exception of Cholesterol, LH & FSH (TT = 1100 | E2 = 16)
And now the reason for the post - 37 Yr Old Wife wants to get pregnant, I’m on board as well!
I would never have jumped on a “TRT” regimen if I thought that we would be interested in children as she already had one from a previous marriage and we had made the decision that we weren’t going to conceive.
I jumped on HCG @ 250iu 2 X weekly and recently upped it to 500iu 3 x weekly. Been on the HCG for about 1.5 months now. I’ve noticed some increase in testicle size (they had gotten quite small).
My last injection was exactly 7 days ago. I am waiting on the results of a semen analysis but I’m forecasting some bad news as the last 4 months of trying to conceive have not resulted in conception.
Here’s my plan of attack to ensure I get enough swimmers to do the job…
- Continue HCG administration through next week
- Discontinue Testosterone injections
- Start 25mg ED Clomid once I’ve gone 14-20 days without testosterone
Hope and pray that we get a bun in the oven in short order. I have a very high pressure career and represent the majority of the income for our family so I can’t afford to have fluctuating hormones for months/years…
Anyway - Just wanted to get my story out there so that others in the same situation can do what I did and spend countless hours reading about other people’s situations trying to find one that best aligned with their own.
Will update when I get the semen analysis back.