5.9, 170, 10%bf, 28yoaâ?¦ Using a Personal trainer for lifts, and eating like a horse when I start. Also going to us NO2 and creatine products
1-5 30mg d-bol 20ml nolv ed
3-13 400 test, 400 deca a wk (broken up into 2 shots a week 1cc of each in each shot)
15 20mg ed
16 40mg ed
18 40mg ed
18 20mg ed
I have letro and caber on handâ?¦.
Let me know your thoughts
Is my pct good or do I need something else???
I knew this was going to be bad as soon as I saw, personal trainer, the phrase “eating like a horse”, and NO2.
Man, your cycle is all kinds of fucked up. I’m on my way out, but I’ll check back in here when I return and leave a real comment.
I lol’d pretty hard at B-bol.
[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
I knew this was going to be bad as soon as I saw, personal trainer, the phrase “eating like a horse”, and NO2.
Man, your cycle is all kinds of fucked up. I’m on my way out, but I’ll check back in here when I return and leave a real comment. ;)[/quote]
Yeah I don’t much feel like touching this one either at the moment. Perhaps later tonight.
I saw the “personal trainer” and “eating like a horse” and “NO2 + Creatine” and MOST OF ALL, the words…
Letro and Caber “On Hand”.
The cycle is kind of backwards.
Frontload the long esters. Run them for 9-10 weeks. Run the dbol in the middle or at the end as a bridge to PCT.
Use an AI on cycle to control estrogen, not a SERM.
SERM pct should begin about 3 weeks after the last shot of a decanoate ester. You have it set up with only one week between your cycle and PCT.
Use the caber.
Do more reading please. There are many fairly new threads about test/deca
I have read that d-bol can be added to jumpstart a cycle or too brigde a cycle into pct. I would rather use it to jump start it rather then end my cycle with increased water retention. The size put on by d-bol at the begining could be turned into more quality gains by the test and deca. I wrote down my pct weeks wrong. I should have put 2 to 3 weeks between them and the last shot of deca to make sure its cleared my system. I plan to use letro and caber through out at low doses because I have been prone to gyno in the past. The reason for the nolv in the d-bol is becaue my gear is made here in town by a friend and he puts 15mg of nolv and 15mg of d-bol per cc or his product.
After reading posts I still dont fully understand front loading… so I am not going to over complicate my cycle any more the it already is… Why is everyone so insistant on D-bol at the end? Is that just personal preference or is that the new trend… Just like last year on this board when They said I had to have a 5/3 test to deca ratio and I had to taper the test or I’d be in trouble… how does my post cycle look? is .5mg of letro everyday too much and will it help reduce my water retention?
Also I should mention my goals here… I lift to look good not to powerlift not to bounce or anything like that. My goal is to add 15-20lbs and then about a 6wks after my cycle is over do a cutting cycle and shredded again. I usually do tren and low doses of test and at the end do 5 to 6 wks of winny. I usually am around 8-7% BF by late july… I would just like to be at this bf and weigh like 185 instead of 165… With my career I don’t really want to look too big and be labeled as a meathead.