[quote]Beowolf wrote:
pookie wrote:
vroom wrote:
You know, it strikes me as ironic that some people in a country that prides itself on freedoms, such as freedom of speech, are so offended by it when they see it in action in other countries.
It’s not like there aren’t enough wackos in the US, talking about ridiculous things, that we have to go looking elsewhere for examples.
In just about all countries that allow “free speech,” you still have rules about hate speech and inciting violence (“fighting words” I believe, is the common term.)
I don’t think we should stand idly by and say nothing while nutcase hate mongerer are inciting people to commit violence against others.
The problem is not where the line is drawn, but that the line is invisible.
Who decides what constitutes as inciting violence?
Certainly, sometimes it’s obvious. “Kill all the Jews” and “Kill all Muslim children” are definetly over the line.
But what about the more ambiguous statements? People who call for the conversions of others, and imply the use of force? How about people who pray for their deity to kill people ::coughPatRobertsoncough::.
I believe in freedom of speech, even for my enemies. But I still can’t find a way we can make the line solid and visible.
On topic: Do you seriously believe Australia will soon be a Middle Eastern controlled continent? If people want to convert… they will. Will they? Probably not. [/quote]
Well, I’m not sure about Australia. Not familiar with their birthrates. Now, Eurabia on the otherhand…