Long story short, I was put on TRT 18 months ago and more than likely, I shouldn’t have been. I had total T levels of 560-580, but the doc at my clinic said my free T was on the “lower end of normal.” I had very elevated SHBG at 68. I’m currently 34 years old.
I’ve dropped my doc, and have another doctor in my family that prescribes me Test Cyp and HCG that I get from a local pharmacy. I take 80mg test per week (2 40mg shots IM) and 600iu HCG per week (3 200iu shots subQ).
I know the HCG has persevered the “bottom end” of my HPTA, but I need to jumpstart the top end with a SERM. I only have access to clomid, and I have large amount on hand.
I’m trying to be sure I’ve read the advice of KSman correctly…should I start taking my Clomid now at 12.5mg ED while I’m still taking test injections…and then stop my injections and continue the Clomid therapy? Do I then discontinue clomid entirely eventually? I plan to add .1mg arimidex ED when I start clomid. On my TRT dosing, I do not require an AI (E2 is usually at 25-27).
Of course, I’ll be getting period lab work while on treament.
High SHBG ruining your day, very high SHBG binds up all bioavailable testosterone leaving you with virtually none. Clomid isn’t recommended for high SHBG guys, it will raise your already very high SHBG even higher and your body will never see any of the extra testosterone being produced. It will not work for you.
No wonder you want to give up on TRT, your dosage isn’t right, 80mg is typically for a lower SHBG man, typically high SHBG men need more androgens to suppress overly high SHBG. What you need are large injections twice weekly, probably 70mg twice weekly to force SHBG down as close to midrange as possible.
Your lack of a need for an AI is because your dosage is too low, once you’re put on a proper protocol an AI may be needed.
The 80mg dosage already has my T around 900 measured in the trough. If I went much higher, I’d be off the charts wouldn’t I? And that would induce the need to also start an AI. I’m trying to introduce as little drugs as possible into my body. Really, I’d be happy just going back to where I was in the upper 500s with elevated SHBG. Haven’t really noticed any positives from TRT sadly:/
What about thyroid numbers, if thyroid function is low you wouldn’t notice an difference going on TRT. Wow you are sensitive to androgens, would expect to see a high SHBG guy in the 900’s on only 80 weekly. It could be that your SHBG is very sticky, meaning your SHBG isn’t grabbing ahold of a lot of androgens which would very from person to person.