—“Because ya’ll started too much shit and we don’t trust the dogmas of Atheism anymore.”
Continue please, unless you meant what you mentioned after you said this.
—“Because of the crazy shit that comes from Atheist leaders, Russian Czars, Castro, Hitler, &c.”
For starters, most of the Czars and Hitler weren’t atheist. In fact, atheists were on Hitler’s list of people to eventually exterminate in his final solution, they just weren’t high priority like Jews, Catholics and gays. There have also been very terrible leaders who were believed in God and were religious. People are people the way I look at it.
—“That is not true, if you guys would have a decent PR machine, even though I think Atheism is ridiculous you could see normal people, being atheist even, have a reason to be moral. Cooperation needs to have some kind of moral level, even one of the most known Atheists, Ayn Rand held Natural Law (which she learned from St. Augustine & St. Aquinas) as to be the Proper form of morals. However most religions hold Natural Law as a natural pillar to their religion so it can be conveyed that they would likely hold some kind of high morals. However Atheism does not have a moral pillar, it is just the direct schism against God.”
Agreed, atheists don’t have a very good PR machine. And I also agree that atheism is defined by not believing in god. There are several different ‘brands’ of atheism. Perhaps they need to find ways to support each other. However, I do feel that atheism is becoming more and more acceptable, depending on the region and that a major atheist politician in the next 30 or so years is not out of the question.
—“Why should we have tolerance for Atheism in a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, &c. community without some kind of prelude that ya’ll will behave accordingly? In my small little community (okay kidding we have 4 million people here) if you are not Catholic you’ll have a hard time doing anything around here, and guess what that is fine. I do not have to cater to your beliefs just so we can have diversity in public office.”
Behave accordingly… I’m guessing you assume that atheists won’t behave accordingly… If so, that goes back to the question of why many people think atheists are morally inferior which you said you don’t think they do, but here it looks like you are saying they are morally inferior. Which is it… or did I misunderstand something.
And you don’t have to necessarily cater to specific beliefs, only the politics and history of the candidate. If I were going to run for an office, I would never say I’m atheist because of this kind of belief and I feel that there probably are politicians currently in office who are ‘closet atheists’ much like a politician is unlikely to come out of the closet if they’re a homosexual.