JC, buddy…lots of high school girls need tutors. You like high school girls, don’t you?
Cress, “you like high school girls don’t you?” = Greatest JC reference ever. How about working at Kindercare, JC? This way you could scout for prospects.
did somebody mention high school girls? thats a great idea, because then i could literally do my work. (god i love high school girls.)
anyways the on campus jobs, where you get paid to do your homework (library, computer lab, etc) are all work study, so i applied for that for next year. to bad patricia doesnt work at my school b/c she would understand why i need extra money!
ok now back to my favorite subject of high school girls…
I’ll second what Jared NFS said about doing test-prep tutoring. I worked for The Princeton Review in undergrad and law school, and it was pretty nice in terms of scheduling – especially if you’re teaching grad classes such as the MCAT or LSAT (which, BTW, also have cute LEGAL-AGE girls who tend to develop crushes on their teachers…). The pay is good – mine ranged from $15/hour to teach SAT to $25/hour to private tutor for MCAT verbal. The only keys to working for Kaplan or TPR is that your test scores need to be high enough to qualify and you have to be able to speak in front of a group and hold their attention. You should be able to find more specific info on the company websites or at the local offices.
Also, as I recall, there were some good opportunities for on-campus work for positions that you didn’t need to be on work-study to get – stuff like weight-room supervisor, tour guide, or answering the phone at the campus information line. Check out what your campus has to offer for positions such as those.