Army Civilian Pay Scale Info?

I’m applying for a job as a munitions handler at a military base. The last part of the self nomination form has a drop down box labeled “Lowest Acceptable Grade/Pay Band” and goes from None to 19. I really don’t know what it means and don’t want to put something down to ruin my chances at the job.

Here are the details
Pay Plan: WG
Series: 6511
Grades: 06
I’m thinking 6 is the number I should put down, but again I really don’t know what it means.

Thanks in advance for any help.

hope this helps

Write down “Pay me in bullets”

I did when I joined the Canadian army. They admired that and then paid me in gold. And by gold I mean lots and lots of chocolate milk. Really man, one of the best things about the army was the unlimited chocolate milk.

I’m sorry that I’m of no real help.

I also got to fire this. I was a machine gunner so this was my woman. I miss her. In America it’s called the SAW M249, in Canada we kept the original Belgian name: Minimi. No I’m not joking…it’s called the Minimi.