Armin's Natural Strength Log

Thursday Jan 11- Upper day
Bench kizen
110kg 3x5, 1x6 - no spotter so didnā€™t attempt, better safe than sorry, but I think I have one more in me
67,5kg 5x3
55kg 3x8,1x7; 50kg 1x8
10x5 - 50 total
dmbl bench
32,5kg 4x8
brbl rows
60kg 4x8

Saturday 13th January - home gym workout
squat - beltless
100kg 4x8 - 90 sec rest between sets
50kg 4x8 - 90 sec rest between sets
pulls and chins
60 total
CG bench
80kg 4x6

Monday 15th Jan - lower day
Squat kizen
125kg 3x5, 1x8 - a PR! , and felt like I could have done more, but nowhere a decent spotter
90kg 3x8 supersetted with:
Leg extensions
80kg 3x10
60kg 3x8 supersetted with:
Leg press
80kg 3x10
chins 10, 8 , 6
Dmbl biceps
Hammer: 2 sets x 12
Regular: 2 sets x12

Some bad news: my gym is closing on the 1st of February, itā€™s a universityā€™s gym and the menagement doesnt want anyone there anymore. Thereā€™s isnt a normal, affordable gym anywhere close, so I will just have to train at home again.
Not sure if I mentioned it but at home I have a barbell and about 145kg weight in 4x20kg plates, 2x15s, 2x10s, 2x5s, 2x2.5s, 2x1.25s and 2x0.75s, a bench and a custom made power rack, with a pullup bar on top of it.
Got some issues with it since I dont have any dumbbels or dip bar, and the bench just sucks, I got it on a bargain, the rest place for the bar is too damn high so I cant stay in my arched position and it is just plain weird, always end up being much weaker on the bench at home, and it is not just motivation, so starting the first of February I will have to make a lot of tweaks to my training plan, am already on the lookout for buying the dumbbels abd will have to do something about that dip bar.

Sorry to hear the bad news. There are ways to adapt your training. I went for the adjustable DBs for my home. Theyā€™re not as cool as having an entire set but they do the trick.

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Yeah Iā€™ll probably get those as well, but the bulk of my workout will be with the barbell, Iā€™ve decided to probaly do the full body workouts every other day.

Havenā€™t trained since Wednesdayā€¦
Wednesday 17th January
OHP kizen
65kg 3x5, 1x6
112,5kg 3x3
90kg 3x8
Incline: 70kg 3x8
Dumbbell: 32,5kg 3x8
40 total
60kg 3x10
tricep pushdowns
3 sets + a drop set for a nice pump

Tomorrow is supposed to be my first ā€œtestingā€ workout for how my routine should look like starting Feb 1st, when Iā€™ll be training at my home gym.
Iā€™ve decided to do full body, moderate volume high frequency approach, focusing primarily on Squat and OHP, since I like those exercises the most, and doing ā€œKizen offseason my silent mike and omar isufā€ for those two exercises, but also cause Iā€™m limited with equipment (my bench sucks, no dumbbells atm and no dip bar) and also cause of injuries (scared to do deadlifts, destroyed my low back 2 times before).
Iā€™m also focusing on my long term goals of 200kg squat and 100kg OHP, and I am sure if I can do those two that I will be able to pull my also long term goals of 220kg deadlift and 150kg bench, without even focusing too mch on those.
So this is the routine, / slash means alternate:
Squat: kizen(3x5, 1x amrap) / 4x3, 1x12 / 4x8
OHP: 4x3,1x12/ kizen / 4x8
RDLs / Goodmornings 4x12
Bench 4x8/ 4x3,1x12 / Close grip 4x6-8
Rows / Shrugs 4x8
Pulls/Chins at least 40 each session
curl and tricep superset 3 sets

  • if I find 4 sets to be too much Iā€™ll reduce one set, I will try to put weight on the bar that I wonā€™t have to rest more than 90 seconds between sets (excluding kizen), which will mean no less then 65-70% 1RMs and no more then 85% 1RMs for triples.
  • in perfect situation this will mean 15 workouts every month, 4 workouts one week, 3 workout other week.
  • Once I get the dumbbells I will incorporate dmbell and incline bench presses, presses, flyes, lateral raises, curls, maybe even farmer walks
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Sunday 21st January - home gym full body workout
110kg 3x8
55kg 3x8
90kg 3x8
90kg 3x8
60kg 3x8
10x4 - in between other sets, 40 total
Barbell skullcrusher /curl superset
40kg 2x10/2x6
35kg 1x15/ 30kg 1x12

  • Thoughts about the workout:
  • Very happy about it, took not much more then one hour.
  • Probably gonna stick to 3 sets an exercise, 4 might be too much for hitting every other day, plus would add another 20-30 minutes to workout time
  • Pullups were very hard after the RDLs, as expected
  • Bench press: the pins on the bench are set up too high, so I have to bench relaxed, if I set up my powerlifting tight stance I just end up extending my shoulder blades when unracking the weight. Also: Have to bench narrower than Iā€™m used to, about the same as OHP width, due to rack bars being too narrow
  • all the weights I did are about 68-69% of my current 1RM, Iā€™ll try to stick to them for sets of 8
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Wednesday 24th January - upper day
bench kizen
110kg 3x5, 1x6 - need a deload
67,5kg x3
65kg 2x3
55kg 3x8
dumbbell: 19kg 3x10
Lateral raise 12kg 3x12
Pulls 9x4= 36
chins 3x6
Tricep extensions 3x10 and a drop set
dmbbell curl 3x12 and a drop set

Thu 25th January - lower day
Squat kizen
Forgot my belt at home, Iā€™m pretty used to it.
115kg 3x5, 1x8 - actually most Iā€™ve done beltless
Circle workout - had 30 minutes and wanted to do a lot:
Pulls: 6
Leg press: 17th hole x10
Farmer walk: 30kg x20meter
Leg Curl: 40kg x10
Leg extension: 75kg x10
Back extension: 20kg x10
Leg raises: 10
Rest:90 second

  • All of it done for 5 sets, felt awesome.
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No more public gym, home training from now on. Ordered 2 olympic dumbbells, they are arriving in a few days, and also a few more smaller plates.
Also Iā€™ve set up my routine which is every other day, full body.
Squat - tempo
100kg 3x5 - tried to do down and up kn the count of 3 each
Ohp - kizen
57.5kg 3x5, 1x11
60kg 3x8
Incline bench
8x60 70 70 - the pins are too close, had to do it really careful each rep not to bump them
Barbell Shrugs
100kg 3x8
Pullups: 50 total
Triceps / biceps 6,8,12 in one single drop set for each

Wed 31st January
115kg 3x8 - 90 sec rest betweend sets, you could even say this is a PR if I consider that
CG bench kizen
80kg 3x5, 1x15
90kg 3x8
Paused OHP
60kg 3x5
60kg 3x8 - increase by 5kg next workout. Pushups: 3x10 between these
Pulls 50 - 10 sets of 5 in between main sets sets
Curls 35kg 10,8,6 - in between these sets :
Chair dip 3x12 - no rest between these and curls

  • So far canā€™t complain, dumbbels should be here on saturday probably, then all I need is a dip bar and I have everything I need.
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Friday 2nd February
So far so good, been consistent with the training, doing stuff a bit more different is much more fun, dumbbells should be here by the next workout, so those should spice things up a bit.
Paused squat
110kg 3x4 - paused at the bottom for a count of three, last reps were very hard
55kg 3x8 - also quite hard when done with 90 sec rest, not used to limiting my rest time, but itā€™s quite nice, workout seem to last much less and feel more productive
50kg 3x10 - with a clean before to put the bar on the back. Actually was supposed to do hip thrusts but my weights are a bit smaller than standard and it felt really awkward geting underneath the bar, tried leaning on the bench but itā€™s too darn high. have to look for a smaller chair of some kind or something, Iā€™ve never hit the glutes directly and I think strengthening those might be the extra kick I need on the squat
90kg 3x8- harder when doing the loose grip and also grabbed the bar a bit wider for and extra ROM
100kg 3x8 - when the dumbbels arive Iā€™m gonna alternate every other shrug workout with dumbbell shrugs with lower weight and concentrating on more time under tension.
50 total - Iā€™m probably gonna start doing 10 sets of 6 instead of 5, for 60 each session, I think my back can take it, Iā€™m gonna do 3-4 sets of standard wide grip and work my way to easier versions such as hammer pulls and chins
barbell OH tricep extensions/barbell curl superset
35kg 3x10 /3x8 -60 sec between each set.

A squat video of the other day and a quick look at my weights and squat rack at home gym. Iā€™ll have a video of like a ā€œgymā€ tour one of these days, sitll havent cleaned it completely, havenā€™t trained for real in it for like 10 months

After reading this article I tried doing shrugs in the manner described in the study. It hurts. If you want time under tension then try it.

I did 15 shrugs, 30 sec hold/stretch, 15 shrugs, 30 sec hold/stretch, 15 shrugs.

You might need straps LOL

most definetely Iā€™d need straps lol, the dumbbells have arrived, Iā€™ll try plenty of stuff from now including that, thanx

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SUN 4th Feb
Squat kizen
120kg 3x5, 1x10 hb pr

Db ohp
21kg 3x8 - I have to weigh my new dumbbells. They are quite heavy I think about 4kg each

90kg 3x8

BP 85kg x8 80kg 2x10 superset:
DB lateral raise: 12kg 3x8

Pulls: 30
Supinated grip Rows: 60kg 3x8 - tried this variation, not sure how I feel about them
Arms: brbl curl 30kg 3x10 . Db kickbacks 9 kg 3x10 in a superset

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Tuesday February 6th
OHP kizen
60kg 3x5, 1x11 - a PR!!! So happy about this, knew it was coming when first sets of 5 were so easy in my arms. I even tried 12th rep but stopped half way up, I think I could have gotten it if I wasnā€™t so winded, rested after 10th and especially after 11th a bit too much trying to get some quality breaths, beat my delts even more with that
Front squat 85kg 1x5 - Iā€™m gonna ditch this exercise, not ready to go throw the pain of numbing the nerves in my front delts to hold the bar, and also feel some strange yet familiar sensation in my low back when doind them, almost the same as when regular deadlifting, and I donā€™t wanna hurt my back, so these are a no go, instead:
tempo squats 90kg 2x5, 75kg 1x8 - count to three down and up, had one of "best " quad pains during the last set. Who knew you could beat your quads with such low weight
Dumbbel incline bench
24kg 3x10 - easy, gotta increase weight
19kg x15
60kg 3x8
50kg 1x12
Dumbbel shrugs 34kg 3x8, 24kg 1x10 - only got the form I was looking for duing the last set, didnā€™t go all the way down, held on top for a few seconds and really felt the burn cause of all the time under tension
-superseted this with some crunches: 4x6
Regular: 20
Parallel grip: 20
Chins: 20 - all of these done as supersets after Bench, squats and goodmornings.
triceps skullcrushers: 45kg 3x10
dumbbel curls: 14kg 4x10

  • Oh, forgot to mention, as you can see I added one extra backoff set after each of the 3 main sets for body groups, I want to see how my body will respond to the extra volume, this way it will be 14 sets of average per muscle group per week instead of 10,5 sets.
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