[quote]oboffill wrote:
harris447 wrote:
oboffill wrote:
I used to believe in evolution just because it was being taught as “science.” If it’s science, it must be true right? HA!
Truth is that we haven’t been able to prove evolution nor creation. We don’t know how the fuck we came to be.
Pick one or pick none, it doesn’t matter.
Yes, we do know how we came to be.
THAT we evolved is a fact. Exactly HOW it happened is a theory. A theory and which has held up under one hundred years of testing and scrutiny.
Let’s not start this again.
You are wrong.
Kent Hovind does 700 debates a year on creation vs evolution. 3000 professors have refused to debate him. Noone has been able to give conclusive evidence that evolution exists.
Hovind is comedy genius and kinda scary (check out his site), the reason people won’t debate him is that he is undebatable, he just downright refutes everything.
Ok if we came from monkeys or apes or whatever then please explain the 2 or 3 middle monkey/human pictures, you know the ones that started the transformation over to humans, where did they go? I have never seen them on this planet. How come they disappeared?
I mean I figured they would have been smarter than the 100% monkeys and would have made it to present day, but they didn’t. Some how the dummer 100% monkey did. No one has ever been able to explain this to me. Thats why I don’t believe it.
[quote]oboffill wrote:
harris447 wrote:
oboffill wrote:
I used to believe in evolution just because it was being taught as “science.” If it’s science, it must be true right? HA!
Truth is that we haven’t been able to prove evolution nor creation. We don’t know how the fuck we came to be.
Pick one or pick none, it doesn’t matter.
Yes, we do know how we came to be.
THAT we evolved is a fact. Exactly HOW it happened is a theory. A theory and which has held up under one hundred years of testing and scrutiny.
Let’s not start this again.
You are wrong.
Kent Hovind does 700 debates a year on creation vs evolution. 3000 professors have refused to debate him. Noone has been able to give conclusive evidence that evolution exists.
No, the reason real scientists will not debate him is the same reason I would not try to “debate” with someone who thinks the sky is green or the Earth is flat: because the very act of engaging in debate legitimizes an unworthy position.
[quote]djm_e22 wrote:
Ok if we came from monkeys or apes or whatever then please explain the 2 or 3 middle monkey/human pictures, you know the ones that started the transformation over to humans, where did they go? I have never seen them on this planet. How come they disappeared?
I mean I figured they would have been smarter than the 100% monkeys and would have made it to present day, but they didn’t. Some how the dummer 100% monkey did. Know one has ever been able to explain this to me. Thats why I don’t believe it.[/quote]
You don’t know the difference between the words ‘no’ and ‘know’ and we’re supposed to give three shits about your views on science?
[quote]harris447 wrote:
djm_e22 wrote:
Ok if we came from monkeys or apes or whatever then please explain the 2 or 3 middle monkey/human pictures, you know the ones that started the transformation over to humans, where did they go? I have never seen them on this planet. How come they disappeared?
I mean I figured they would have been smarter than the 100% monkeys and would have made it to present day, but they didn’t. Some how the dummer 100% monkey did. Know one has ever been able to explain this to me. Thats why I don’t believe it.
You don’t know the difference between the words ‘no’ and ‘know’ and we’re supposed to give three shits about your views on science?
Shh…adults are talking.
I’m sure you and I both know I made an error and I am about to correct it. But if that is all the proof you got that we came from monkeys, than you have no proof at all.
I’m sure you and I both know I made an error and I am about to correct it. But if that is all the proof you got that we came from monkeys, than you have no proof at all.[/quote]
We didnt come from monkeys, we share a common ancestor.
I’m sure you and I both know I made an error and I am about to correct it. But if that is all the proof you got that we came from monkeys, than you have no proof at all.[/quote]
Who ever suggested that we came from monkeys?
Apes are genetically closer to humans than they are to monkeys, let alone humans to monkeys.
[quote]djm_e22 wrote:
Ok if we came from monkeys or apes or whatever then please explain the 2 or 3 middle monkey/human pictures, you know the ones that started the transformation over to humans, where did they go? I have never seen them on this planet. How come they disappeared?
I mean I figured they would have been smarter than the 100% monkeys and would have made it to present day, but they didn’t. Some how the dummer 100% monkey did. No one has ever been able to explain this to me. Thats why I don’t believe it.[/quote]
For that matter – why are there orangutangs and gorillas? They fill a very similar niche. Why are there house cats and lions? Why are there dolphins and whales?
Most life seems to have come from a very limited source. DNA examination has revealed a remarkably close relation between humans and simians. All in all, that’s enough for me.
[quote]Northcott wrote:
djm_e22 wrote:
Ok if we came from monkeys or apes or whatever then please explain the 2 or 3 middle monkey/human pictures, you know the ones that started the transformation over to humans, where did they go? I have never seen them on this planet. How come they disappeared?
I mean I figured they would have been smarter than the 100% monkeys and would have made it to present day, but they didn’t. Some how the dummer 100% monkey did. No one has ever been able to explain this to me. Thats why I don’t believe it.
For that matter – why are there orangutangs and gorillas? They fill a very similar niche. Why are there house cats and lions? Why are there dolphins and whales?
Most life seems to have come from a very limited source. DNA examination has revealed a remarkably close relation between humans and simians. All in all, that’s enough for me.
There is no such thing as evolution in anything. A house cat was never a lion a dolphin was never a whale. You never see the inbetween that is why there is no evidence of evolution, there is just theories or guesses.
There is no such thing as evolution in anything. A house cat was never a lion a dolphin was never a whale. You never see the in between that is why there is no evidence of evolution, there is just theories or guesses.[/quote]
For someone looking for proof, you sure like using words like never.
Were domestic dogs ever wolves?
Dogs came from wolves who have been domesticated and bred for specific purposes/looks etc. There are tons of breeds that stemmed from a single breed.
I don’t know for sure about other animals, but I wouldn’t say never, or always unless I was absolutely sure about it.
Do you have proof that house cats didn’t come from larger cats?
Where did they come from? Were they originally made in nature specifically for humans’ houses?
[quote]djm_e22 wrote:
Northcott wrote:
djm_e22 wrote:
Ok if we came from monkeys or apes or whatever then please explain the 2 or 3 middle monkey/human pictures, you know the ones that started the transformation over to humans, where did they go? I have never seen them on this planet. How come they disappeared?
I mean I figured they would have been smarter than the 100% monkeys and would have made it to present day, but they didn’t. Some how the dummer 100% monkey did. No one has ever been able to explain this to me. Thats why I don’t believe it.
For that matter – why are there orangutangs and gorillas? They fill a very similar niche. Why are there house cats and lions? Why are there dolphins and whales?
Most life seems to have come from a very limited source. DNA examination has revealed a remarkably close relation between humans and simians. All in all, that’s enough for me.
There is no such thing as evolution in anything. A house cat was never a lion a dolphin was never a whale. You never see the inbetween that is why there is no evidence of evolution, there is just theories or guesses.[/quote]
It’s statements like this that led to my comment that you were stupid.
You know nothing at all about science, biology, etc.
MATTER-LIFE-MIND. Those are the three stages of development with (hopefully) more stages to come.
Animals act on instinct alone while we humans do very little of that (pity, that). Until I see monkeys or apes or dophins conceptualize, build, create, speak, philosophize etc. then I will believe we are related. Can it be a coincidence that humans are the only species with these capabilities? Did evolution do THAT bad of a job that just one of thousands of species are blessed with these inate abaiities?
Can anyone explain the wing? Darwinian evolution suggests that wings evolved over millions of years from forelimbs. Okay, but lets look at and try to explain how the in-between stages survived with part limb and part wing. The result of which is an animal that can niether fly, nor run. Sounds like dinner to me.
And if the wing just appeared all of a sudden in one huge leap, what are the chances of another newly winged creature of the same species coming along and mating with it?
And the eyeball? Going from having no eye to a functional eye means there were thousands of half-assed eyeballs that had none or at best very poor vision along the way. Not so good for survival right?
[quote]derek wrote:
MATTER-LIFE-MIND. Those are the three stages of development with (hopefully) more stages to come.
Animals act on instinct alone while we humans do very little of that (pity, that). Until I see monkeys or apes or dophins conceptualize, build, create, speak, philosophize etc. then I will believe we are related. Can it be a coincidence that humans are the only species with these capabilities? Did evolution do THAT bad of a job that just one of thousands of species are blessed with these inate abaiities?
Can anyone explain the wing? Darwinian evolution suggests that wings evolved over millions of years from forelimbs. Okay, but lets look at and try to explain how the in-between stages survived with part limb and part wing. The result of which is an animal that can niether fly, nor run. Sounds like dinner to me.
And if the wing just appeared all of a sudden in one huge leap, what are the chances of another newly winged creature of the same species coming along and mating with it?
And the eyeball? Going from having no eye to a functional eye means there were thousands of half-assed eyeballs that had none or at best very poor vision along the way. Not so good for survival right?[/quote]
Have you ever studied any animal behavior?
Plenty of animals communicate with each other and there are people arguing that dolphins may have a better form of communication than us.
Create? Build? yes, there are animals who do that too. Beavers are the only other animal besides us to change it’s surroundings to such a great degree.
Does that make it so special and unique that it shouldn’t be classified as an animal?
Plenty of animals have characteristics that no other animal possesses. We have some, mostly on the intellectual side that others don’t, and others have characteristics that we don’t.
We still have natural instincts, like a baby looking to feed when it’s chin is stroked among others. We just don’t have as many, maybe because we’ve been surviving without them for so long.
How can animals have wings that are unnecessary? Well, probably because something else was keeping them safe from being killed off, like the place they live, or they just coincidentally didn’t die off.
Just because something made it past natural selection doesn’t mean evolution doesn’t exist.
We all get different traits from our genes, and animals are no different. If the trait that gets passed on is one that makes it more difficult to survive in it’s environment, then it will most likely get killed off and won’t spread more of that particular gene.
[quote]harris447 wrote:
djm_e22 wrote:
Northcott wrote:
djm_e22 wrote:
Ok if we came from monkeys or apes or whatever then please explain the 2 or 3 middle monkey/human pictures, you know the ones that started the transformation over to humans, where did they go? I have never seen them on this planet. How come they disappeared?
I mean I figured they would have been smarter than the 100% monkeys and would have made it to present day, but they didn’t. Some how the dummer 100% monkey did. No one has ever been able to explain this to me. Thats why I don’t believe it.
For that matter – why are there orangutangs and gorillas? They fill a very similar niche. Why are there house cats and lions? Why are there dolphins and whales?
Most life seems to have come from a very limited source. DNA examination has revealed a remarkably close relation between humans and simians. All in all, that’s enough for me.
There is no such thing as evolution in anything. A house cat was never a lion a dolphin was never a whale. You never see the inbetween that is why there is no evidence of evolution, there is just theories or guesses.
It’s statements like this that led to my comment that you were stupid.
You know nothing at all about science, biology, etc.
Stop talking about it.
HaHa you mean to tell me you know it all. Oh yeah how old are you anyways, what is up with the 5 year old remarks? Calling me stupid, come on now.
There has not been any scientists that have been able to prove any kind of evolution. All of them are theories. If there is bone structure that is closely related to another animal’s bone structure they automatically try to say it is proof that they evolved. When in fact there are several thousand major differences between the animals they are looking at. But again according to some scientists if the structure is closely related than evolution must of happened. Come on do you know how many animals there are, there is bound to be some to have closely related bone structures.
Oh yeah I consider the wolves a dog.
I thought about this one, I consider the lion and house cat both in the cat family. Maybe a bigger cat mated with a smaller cat and then that one mated with another smaller cat and so forth. But that would just be it carring on the genes and not evolution. But then again I still am not sure how a house cat could have possibly come from a lion.
[quote]derek wrote:
Animals act on instinct alone while we humans do very little of that (pity, that).[/quote]
That is quite incorrect. Humans act on instinct a great deal, and many animals use reasoning and creativity in their problem-solving.
It’s no conincidence – we’re not the only ones. Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Koko, the gorilla that was taught sign language? She’s got quite the vocabulary and is a very effective communicator. In essense, she talks. She effectively works at about a Grade 2 level.
Many animals use simple tools of one sort or another, and engage in problem-solving to work around difficulties.
It’s recently been discovered that Dolphins call each other by name. There are specific patterns of squeaks and squeals that indicate individuals. They’ve discovered that dolphins will not only react to their own computer-generated name, but will do so when hearing the names of family members.
There’s an elephant in one of the zoos in the US that enjoys painting a great deal. The work is very rough, but it’s displaying creative visual skills.
Evolution doesn’t do a job – not in the sense you’re talking about. You’re speaking as if it’s an intelligent, seperate entity. That’s a deist’s point of view.
And no, we’re not singular among thousands of species in being able to do these things… save perhaps philosophy. But I guarantee there’s many a human that can’t do that, either. And I’m not just talking about children or the mentally challenged.
Like the penguin, you mean. Or the kiwi. And what do you mean, “can’t run”? Why? Because it’s got wings? Roadrunners seem to do pretty well.
The puffin has pretty stumpy little wings, and can only manage short bursts of flight, but carved it’s own little niche in the wild.
Or how about the “flying squirrel”? No true wing, being only capable of short-range gliding, but it’s only a couple steps off being a bat.
Not terribly fond of animals, are you? There’s plenty of examples out there.
Whoa, there, cowboy. That makes no sense at all. If a lion is born with stripes, does it suddenly become a new species? What prevents it from mating with other lions? Genetic code is there – it’s all a go. And the next generation will be borne with a gene that leaves offspring with the potential for stripes. If stripes should prove to be an advantage in its habitat, those born with stripes become more likely to survive and reproduce… until it becomes the dominant feature.
That’s how evolution works. It’s not some vague magical force. It’s a process of mutation and elimination. A mutation may indeed make the animal sterile or incapable of breeding… but it isn’t necessarily so.
We don’t really need to get into the number of animals with poor vision, do we? (And really, in the grand scheme, ours isn’t all that stunning)
[quote]djm_e22 wrote:
If there is bone structure that is closely related to another animal’s bone structure they automatically try to say it is proof that they evolved. When in fact there are several thousand major differences between between the animals they are looking at.[/quote]
Please cite this case. I’d be fascinated to read the study of two creatures with several thousand major differences that are supposed to be direct relations in the evolutionary chain.
[quote]Oh yeah I consider the wolves a dog.
I thought about this one, I consider the lion and house cat both in the cat family. Maybe a bigger cat mated with a smaller cat and then that one mated with another smaller cat and so forth. But that would just be it carring on the genes and not evolution.[/quote]
I’m curious now. Just what do you think evolution is supposed to be?
[quote]Northcott wrote:
djm_e22 wrote:
If there is bone structure that is closely related to another animal’s bone structure they automatically try to say it is proof that they evolved. When in fact there are several thousand major differences between between the animals they are looking at.
Please cite this case. I’d be fascinated to read the study of two creatures with several thousand major differences that are supposed to be direct relations in the evolutionary chain.
Oh yeah I consider the wolves a dog.
I thought about this one, I consider the lion and house cat both in the cat family. Maybe a bigger cat mated with a smaller cat and then that one mated with another smaller cat and so forth. But that would just be it carring on the genes and not evolution.
I’m curious now. Just what do you think evolution is supposed to be?
So what your thinking is if a taller man mates with a short woman, and the kid grows to be short because he/she took on his/her mother’s genes this would be evolution. I have to disagree.
Nudibranchs are evolved from sea slugs. Fact. The creatures that live/grow in coral has evolved from sea sponges. Fact. The creatures that create sea sponges evolved from plankton. Fact. The first animal that has a developed eye is the octapus, also the first invertebrate that has a highly developed nervous system; even more than any other aquatic organism.
Thus arises Cthulhu. All hail the Dark One, lest your soul be blasted into oblivion.
All facts that support the theory of evolution.
Where is this “Eden” from which we sprang? Adam had Eve, then begat Cain and Abel. Who else had sex with the “first mother” which sprung forth the human race? Bah. These stories that you cling to don’t even fool a child. I gave you hard facts. Living proof evolution is. What proof do you offer that I may touch, see, feel, hear or taste? None. It’s that elusive “faith” that you “know” the “truth.” God gave you a brain. Use it!
Now, where’s Pookie? Every time I need his help, he’s impossible to find. Hey Pookie!