Are Truck Nutz Vulgar and Unacceptable in Public?

You forgot the 8 inch stove pipe stacks coming thru the bed right behind the cab :laughing:

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Low class - oh hell yeah.

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Not even an honorable mention of an ā€œRipā€ in tribal script and barbed wire trim?

Thatā€™s just negligent&shit.

Those arm barbed tattoos were all the rage a while back but I donā€™t see them as much anymore. Maybe itā€™s like Daniel Tosh said ā€œwhatā€™s that going to look like when your old? These people arenā€™t living to be old. No one sees an 80 year old with a spider tattoo on his face.

I never got how anyone tattoos their face. It is the primary area of the body that someone else focuses on when they are talking them. The seat of expressiveness, and what, some sort of mark is in the way of viewing them as a real person.

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No man, not a tattoo, a rear window sticker/graphic.

Brilliance. Whereā€™s David Attenborough when you need him?

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Oh Fayetteville. The brunt of all North Carolinian jokes.

But seriously. Nobody ever go to Fayetteville, youā€™ll go in with a 4 door sedan, and come out with the best interpretation of a 1980ā€™s General Lee styled truck, guaranteed truck nuts, and an unexplainable hatred of ā€œthe gaysā€

Also, I dont think truck nuts are more offensive than anything else, theyā€™re just the absolute tackiest thing to ever be made.


Oh no. PA has its own Fayettenam, and itā€™s an entire county. Itā€™s really not even just a county. Itā€™s a state of mind.

Which is what doesnā€™t make sense to me.

ā€œI hate queers! Hey check out these testicles on the ass of my truck everyone.ā€

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Thatā€™s wild. We also call ours fayettnam, and itā€™s also a cesspool of redneck agendas and poor taste.

I know dude, it boggles my mind. Itā€™s better when the truck is squatted, at least then it just becomes a circus.

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Iā€™m from civilization, the Northeast, and I didnā€™t find Fayetteville that bad.

I mean, Iā€™m in Wilmington, Iā€™m sure there are enough heroin jokes to outrank Fville in more than one fashion, but Fville just has this dingy atmosphere to it. Similar to rocky point if youā€™ve ever been that way. I came from that town and it just seems thatā€™s where people go to die. No aspirations, no goals, no progress. Just not my style I guess.

Ours has that, and then incredibly, some little patches of exceptional wealth. You can pull out of Falling Water and be behind a smoke blasting Mazda mini truck with no bed and a donut wheel until you get to a members only private fishing club.

Itā€™s wierd. And the girls are born pregnit. Marlboro fertilize them and MT. Dew makes them give birth.

Edit: and Newports are basically a wedding ring.

I think this might be my favourite edit on this site.

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