Are alternatives to nolvadex and clomid?

So, guys, I’m considering doing a cycle which has 400mg of testosterone and a few things stacked on top of it.

I compete at a national level and I am going international. The issue with this is that while the timing of the drugs I am taking is ok regarding the detection time the same cannot be said for nolvadex and clomid considering it can take anywhere from 2 to 8 months.

For obvious reasons, I don’t intend on going cold turkey after finishing this cycle so I am clueless
Anyone could help this Wizard?

So you’re competing in a tested show but taking PEDs? I’m sure you will say ‘everybody does it’ but I just don’t see the point. I don’t believe you’ll find a better SERM. You could try HCG for a post cycle boost but you’ll still be going cold turkey at some point.

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If you compete as a natural athlete then be a natural athlete.
If you wanna take drugs compete non tested.
Is this not the obvious answer to your query?
Makes 0 sense to compete natty if you wanna use drugs. There is a whole federation where it is not frowned upon.


what sport do you compete in? or is this like a BBing show or something?

I dont compete for shows but rather fights. Going cold turkey is not an option

No I do combat sports

I do combat sports many use them

What do they do to stay undetected?

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Not sure what made me think you were a bodybuilder.
If this is the route you want to go you would just have to take whatever gear your gonna take and then just come off. There is no rule that says you have to use PCT drugs when coming off. They are certainly beneficial and help with a softer landing but most guys will recover just fine as long as your not on for long durations.
What drugs are you planning to take and what is your timeline?

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Use of simple compounds that clear fast or lower doses before testing

No problem mate, I understand, considering bodybuilding and cosmetic concerns are the most common reason most people use this stuff.
I have enough testosterone, anavar, drostanolone and stanozolol (also turinabol but not sure about it) for a couple of cycles, of course full bodybuilding isn’t my focus, but I still spend 3 times a week in the gym when I’m not training for my activity.
I think I only need to be clear of banned substances between October to November

The issue may be that the compounds are clear but the metabolites may still be detectable depending on what you are taking. I would do a little research in that area before you decide to take anything.
I never had to worry about that so i never really studied about it.


Sorry for late reply (training and work takes too much time)
Metabolites are indeed the reason why I started this post (and why I am unsure of turinabol) anyway thank you for your attention