Hey guys. I posted this on another forum to get advice, so some of you might see this twice. How do you like this choice of drugs for my next cycle. Give me your advice and critcisms. Spare no feelings, gimme the grit. It will be an 8-weeker, dedicated to lean mass gains and concurrent lowering of bf%. Basically, I want to gain around 10-20 lbs muscle, shed a little fat and get the sixer.
Background: bw:230lbs, 11%bf, age: 21. This will be my 4th cycle.
Diet: will be 4000cal./day, with carbs & proteins @ 400gm, and fats at ~100gm. All clean. I may raise or lower this depending how I feel.
Training: will be based around strength/hypertrophy, with rep ranges 3-8. Training 5 days weights a week, one day HIIT, one rest day. Workouts for 1-1.5hours. Based around mainly compound movements and isolation only for weakpoint training.
Week 1 - Frontload of Test E@ 600mg, Boldenone U @ 600mg,
Fluoxymesterone @ 20mg/day,
Trenbolone A @ 50mg/day
Tamoxifen C @ 25mg/day
Week 2 - Boldenone U @ 300mg,
Test E @ 300mg
Fluoxymesterone @ 10mg/day,
Trenbolone A @ 50mg/day
Tamoxifen C @ 25mg/day
Weeks 3 - 5 - Boldenone U @ 300mg, Test E @ 300mg,
Trenbolone A @ 50mg/day
Tamoxifen C @ 25mg/day
Week 6 - Test E @ 300mg, Fluoxymesterone @ 10mg/day,
Trenbolone A @ 50mg/day, Tamoxifen C @ 25mg/day
Weeks 7 - 8 - Fluoxymesterone @ 20mg/day, Trenbolone A @ 50mg/day,
Tamoxifen C @ 25mg/day
Weeks 9 - 12 start PCT with:
Clomiphene C @ 300mg day 1 - 3, and @ 50mg subsequently
Nolvadex @ 25mg/ EOD, No HCG will be used as i don’t think I’ll need it.
Supplements: will include 8 tabs/day milk thistle in weeks 3-5 (when not on halo) and after for possible trouble from the liver toxic 17-AAs. A Tribulus/Avena blend with ZMA also in PCT. Other supplements standard.
Equipoise will be cut after 5 weeks to let it’s long lasting ester taper drug levels down for the end of the 8 week cycle, as well it’s RBC stimulating effect make me not want to run it longer. I like the EQ for the joints and red blood cell endurance benefits (for my HIIT).
The Test Enanthate will also be cut, but after the 6th week instead of the 5th like for the EQ (because the halflife for enanthate is slightly less than the undecylenate ester). It will form a base in this stack for some aromatisation (along with the EQ)to estriol to help potentiate gains.
Halotestin is used for strength gains in the first and second weeks before the long lasting injectables kick in and for the last 3 weeks when the EQ and Enanthate are cut. I am looking forward to massive strength increase when on it…
Trenbolone is the icing on the cake, providing a solid strength, and anabolic base drug. Also will help me cut bf, and get a nice fat pump in the gym.
Well boyos what do y’all think???