I have been poking around this site for some time now, and I needed to ask a question. I have never done steroids in my life, and I was thinking I might do a cycle exactly like Jake’s if everything goes well for him. Here is my question.
I had some anadrol a buddy gave me a while back. I have another buddy that really wanted to try it for a couple of weeks. I sold him the gear as an experiment to see if it works. He is taking 50mg/day in pill form. Today was his first day taking it, and he told me he didn’t really notice anything yet. My question is this: when will he notice it kicking in? And what should be the first signs of it " if " it is truly effective?
I have read what everyone has said. In addition, I know of many people personally that use. 400-800mg/week of test-e only is consider reasonable. 900-1000 is consider a bit excessive, but I intend to keep my cycle short. Anyways now, can someone please answer my question?
You made the point yourself this is your first cycle-- much like Jake himself. Don’t be stupid and use large amounts of AAS at this point, stick with 500mg a week for 12 weeks and you’ll be ready to rock this cycle out at some point in the future.
I believe Tone said it, but your first cycle is to “test the waters.” Don’t go diving in.
Oh and listen to guys like World. He has a lot of experience and genuinely doesn’t want to see newbies like us fuck ourselves up because we don’t know enough yet.
You would be taking a massive risk trying any cycle that is not based on science and anecdotal knowledge. To do so on your first, it’s well… crazy.
[quote]Jakebambeeno wrote:
Ok, I understand. Can someone please answer the question I have in my thread about my freind taking the anadrol at 50mg/day? When will he notice it kicking in? And what should be the first signs of it " if " it is truly effective?[/quote]
[quote]Jakebambeeno wrote:
Ok, you got me. I was me going under a fake name. Anyways, I have my reasons. its obvious I blew my cover. can someone just give me an honest answer though?[/quote]
Oh boy.
So you have already started taking the anadrol, I guess?
Jake, you sure are making this site interesting, lately.
I love how guys use different names to ask the questions they have already been flamed for and then fuck it up by posting with the wrong one.
The answer to your question (you can tell your friend) is aprox 3 days…you should feel anadrol pretty quick because it is a short estered oral steroid like DBol, Turinabol, anavar, Winny, etc. There are some orals that act faster like Andriol and HaloTest but most of them are “felt” after about 3 days.