July 10, 2021, 7:28am
Just on the back of some of the gyno discussions etc…
Does anyone on here take p5p supplements all the time?
Is it safe to take indefinitely?
Can you crash prolactin? Is that a thing? What would happen?
Just thinking as a gyno caution as I’m now controlling E2 so makes sense to try and keep prolactin levels low to avoid any further gyno issues?
Yes, 100mg daily since January this year. I have played with higher doses, or spreading them out during the day, and just don’t notice anything. But on 100mg every morning my PRL came back at 7 (4-15). I don’t know what it was before that, but I do take meds known to raise PRL
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@roadie have you checkd your prolactin? What are your levels?
July 11, 2021, 7:29am
Yes I check them with every round of bloods.
Normally in range but I did catch them high on on one occasion.
Getting some gyno so I’m looking to fight from every angle.
July 11, 2021, 11:52am
Ive been taking 600mg of vitamine b6 for ove a year. Extremely potent for motivation and energy.
Why do you prefer p5p instead of just b6?
July 12, 2021, 10:59am
I’ve read its more efficient at lowering prolactin
Got it. Thanks for the info.