Has anyone here ever personally managed a Vitamin Shoppe or know someone who has?
I have an interview for a Vitamin shop in Chicago on Thursday for the position of store manager. Applied for it last night for the hell of it since i have management/supervisory experience both in and out of retail and im sick to death of my current job. Well, they called me only about 15 hours later.
I am positive it wont be able to match my current pay. From everything im seeing online such as Glassdoor, it seems the average salary is about 45k, for Chicago area its about 47K. This is less than ideal but it would be tolerable should they make me an offer and these numbers prove accurate.
The reason i would consider the pay cut is three-fold;
-Im fed up with working for United Airlines (It is as bad as people say) and want out of the aviation industry.
-The commute to this Vitamin Shoppe would be less than half the commute i make now. I drive a truck with a V8 so this is big. Plus i hate sitting in traffic for an hour on my way home.
-I have a genuine interest and solid knowledge-base of the health and nutrition industry. I have absolutely no interest in doing IT logistics for airlines. So theres that.
So just wondering if anyone has any experience regarding what its like to be a store manager there, if itd be worth leaving my current job for, and if they can verify that the pay is in the mid to upper 40’s. I have a couple other promising things in the works but they are going to take longer to develop so i was thinking for the sake of my sanity and happiness, this might be a nice/tolerable change for a year or so until then.
Any thoughts/advice? Really dont have any experience working retail for a large company like this, my last retail management job was a privately owned high-end bike shop, i assume things will be quite different. Just wanna know what im getting into.