Any Truth in the Fitness Industry?

[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:

[quote]Nards wrote:
Wow…The OP is getting a shitstorm from all sides for some reason. I’m not being sarcastic; I don’t know what he said that was so bad.

I think that of course many of us know on this site that it’s a given that articles about weight training and supplements by most all companies will use pictures of guys in physical condition much better than most people will hope to achieve.

I would have preferred people attack the OP’s horrible misuse of English.[/quote]

his post was the classic “I think people should be open about their illegal drug usage” retard spew[/quote]

Exactly. Everyone with a brain knows these guy who advertise stuff probably juice. They may take the product they are selling, but it sure as hell doesn’t make them look impressive on its own.

[quote]CroatianRage wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]Chrispy61 wrote:
I feel there is so much bullshit surrounding the fitness industry, yea there is alot of hardwork too but when it comes down too selling a product wether it be a supplement, a training program, a personal trainer service whatever! Pt’s claiming to be natural giving there clients the option too look good or look even better by taking “xyz”!!

I try and keep myself to myself, go to the gym and train hard do my own thing! But when people get shredded by using zero carb diets but miraculously get massivly stronger and more muscular, and then claim it was all diet and hardwork with the help of a trainer, i think its wrong! [/quote]

You want a tampon for your post? Maybe some de-sanding spray for you vagina?[/quote]

God I miss this expression. I wish I could use it more, but alas now I’m a nasty civilian…[/quote]

Some things never leave you. Yesterday I used “knife hands” to give driving directions.[/quote]

Haha, I had to look up what knife hands meant. I’m glad I did.[/quote]

HA! There’s nothing like first hand experience with the “knife hand” though!

[quote]MWP wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
I heard the other day DIs aren’t allowed to use Knife Hands anymore, damn Mothers or America at it again.[/quote]

What’s next, they can’t yell either? [/quote]

Most likely. They’ll probably add an Xbox to every squad bay and institute nap time…

Everybody who takers the products the top athletes push knows they’re on drugs?

Um, no they dont. It is either ignorance, head in the sand or compliance.

[quote]CroatianRage wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]Chrispy61 wrote:
I feel there is so much bullshit surrounding the fitness industry, yea there is alot of hardwork too but when it comes down too selling a product wether it be a supplement, a training program, a personal trainer service whatever! Pt’s claiming to be natural giving there clients the option too look good or look even better by taking “xyz”!!

I try and keep myself to myself, go to the gym and train hard do my own thing! But when people get shredded by using zero carb diets but miraculously get massivly stronger and more muscular, and then claim it was all diet and hardwork with the help of a trainer, i think its wrong! [/quote]

You want a tampon for your post? Maybe some de-sanding spray for you vagina?[/quote]

God I miss this expression. I wish I could use it more, but alas now I’m a nasty civilian…[/quote]

Some things never leave you. Yesterday I used “knife hands” to give driving directions.[/quote]

Haha, I had to look up what knife hands meant. I’m glad I did.[/quote]

I wasn’t even a Marine. Proudly Army. But we picked knife hands up somewhere long before I got there.

Of course, I was 5th Group from Ft. Bragg, and we were basically made up of people who could be Marines (including plenty of Marines who moved over), but the Marine recruiter looked at us and decided we were fucking crazy so they quietly found a place for us that was not anywhere near their fucking boats.

On that note, because of my specialized training, I can also use the word “fuck” as a perjorative, explicative, verb, noun, adjective, and adverb, and can make it an insult, compliment, or simply descriptive. Even in polite company. Only properly-trained combat veterans (and certain forward supply personnel, non-zoommie pilots and ground crew) can do this safely.

[quote]Nards wrote:
Wow…The OP is getting a shitstorm from all sides for some reason. I’m not being sarcastic; I don’t know what he said that was so bad.

I think that of course many of us know on this site that it’s a given that articles about weight training and supplements by most all companies will use pictures of guys in physical condition much better than most people will hope to achieve.

I would have preferred people attack the OP’s horrible misuse of English.[/quote]

Microsoft Word corrected my poor grammer:

"I feel there is so much bullshit surrounding the fitness industry, yea there is a lot of hard work too but when it comes down too selling a product whether it be a supplement, a training program, a personal trainer service whatever! Pt.â??s claiming to be natural giving their clients the option to look good or look even better by taking “xyz”!!

I try and keep myself to myself, go to the gym and train hard do my own thing! But when people get shredded by using zero carb diets but miraculously get massively stronger and more muscular, and then claim it was all diet and hard work with the help of a trainer, I think itâ??s wrong!"

I kind of expected this responce tbh, some of it was quite funny!

I think its annoying me more because im seeing it a lot in my gym atm, plenty of smoke being blown up peoples asses and false advertising.

Rob Riches is a classic example at the moment

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Most likely. They’ll probably add an Xbox to every squad bay and institute nap time…[/quote]

LOL. I can see a bunch of grunts learning combat on a Xbox.

[quote]MWP wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Most likely. They’ll probably add an Xbox to every squad bay and institute nap time…[/quote]

LOL. I can see a bunch of grunts learning combat on a Xbox.

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]CroatianRage wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]Chrispy61 wrote:
I feel there is so much bullshit surrounding the fitness industry, yea there is alot of hardwork too but when it comes down too selling a product wether it be a supplement, a training program, a personal trainer service whatever! Pt’s claiming to be natural giving there clients the option too look good or look even better by taking “xyz”!!

I try and keep myself to myself, go to the gym and train hard do my own thing! But when people get shredded by using zero carb diets but miraculously get massivly stronger and more muscular, and then claim it was all diet and hardwork with the help of a trainer, i think its wrong! [/quote]

You want a tampon for your post? Maybe some de-sanding spray for you vagina?[/quote]

God I miss this expression. I wish I could use it more, but alas now I’m a nasty civilian…[/quote]

Some things never leave you. Yesterday I used “knife hands” to give driving directions.[/quote]

Haha, I had to look up what knife hands meant. I’m glad I did.[/quote]

I wasn’t even a Marine. Proudly Army. But we picked knife hands up somewhere long before I got there.

Of course, I was 5th Group from Ft. Bragg, and we were basically made up of people who could be Marines (including plenty of Marines who moved over), but the Marine recruiter looked at us and decided we were fucking crazy so they quietly found a place for us that was not anywhere near their fucking boats.

On that note, because of my specialized training, I can also use the word “fuck” as a perjorative, explicative, verb, noun, adjective, and adverb, and can make it an insult, compliment, or simply descriptive. Even in polite company. Only properly-trained combat veterans (and certain forward supply personnel, non-zoommie pilots and ground crew) can do this safely.[/quote]

Haha, don’t worry guys, that was a big fuss made mainly by the Marine Corps Times, blowing way out of proportion some comments made by USMC higher-ups about leadership, and how it shouldn’t always just be yell yell berate berate derogatory insults berate yell. but actual mentorship as well.

I am disappointed that they don’t use scuz brushes in boot camp anymore. That’s just a part of the experience…all sorts of games to be played with those.

[quote]hungry4more wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]CroatianRage wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]usmccds423 wrote:

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:

[quote]Chrispy61 wrote:
I feel there is so much bullshit surrounding the fitness industry, yea there is alot of hardwork too but when it comes down too selling a product wether it be a supplement, a training program, a personal trainer service whatever! Pt’s claiming to be natural giving there clients the option too look good or look even better by taking “xyz”!!

I try and keep myself to myself, go to the gym and train hard do my own thing! But when people get shredded by using zero carb diets but miraculously get massivly stronger and more muscular, and then claim it was all diet and hardwork with the help of a trainer, i think its wrong! [/quote]

You want a tampon for your post? Maybe some de-sanding spray for you vagina?[/quote]

God I miss this expression. I wish I could use it more, but alas now I’m a nasty civilian…[/quote]

Some things never leave you. Yesterday I used “knife hands” to give driving directions.[/quote]

Haha, I had to look up what knife hands meant. I’m glad I did.[/quote]

I wasn’t even a Marine. Proudly Army. But we picked knife hands up somewhere long before I got there.

Of course, I was 5th Group from Ft. Bragg, and we were basically made up of people who could be Marines (including plenty of Marines who moved over), but the Marine recruiter looked at us and decided we were fucking crazy so they quietly found a place for us that was not anywhere near their fucking boats.

On that note, because of my specialized training, I can also use the word “fuck” as a perjorative, explicative, verb, noun, adjective, and adverb, and can make it an insult, compliment, or simply descriptive. Even in polite company. Only properly-trained combat veterans (and certain forward supply personnel, non-zoommie pilots and ground crew) can do this safely.[/quote]

Haha, don’t worry guys, that was a big fuss made mainly by the Marine Corps Times, blowing way out of proportion some comments made by USMC higher-ups about leadership, and how it shouldn’t always just be yell yell berate berate derogatory insults berate yell. but actual mentorship as well.

I am disappointed that they don’t use scuz brushes in boot camp anymore. That’s just a part of the experience…all sorts of games to be played with those. [/quote]

They don’t use scuz brushes anymore? When did this happen, fuck it’s only been about 10 years since I was there…

I remember probably week 4 or 5 (just got out of indoc) I was on fire watch for chow or something. I don’t even remember. What I do remember is I, for some unknown reason, spit in the trash can right in front of my Kill Hat. WRONG!! I scuzzed up and down that squad bay for what felt like days. Talk about cardio and in June/July no less. I’ve never sweat so much or worked so hard.

For those confused. Imagine pushing a tiny prowler up and back probably 200’ for 20 or so minutes without stopping or taking your hands off the brush. Oh and no knees on the ground either and it’s 95 fucking degrees. FUCK…

Oh and some has a goddamn knife hand in your face the whole time!

Was thinking, was this thread created cause the OP was mega butthurt Rob Riches failed a drug test?