I am looking to begin running eight-week long strength cycles. I saw a good one in a recent issue of MD that consisted of Test, Anavar, Dbol, Tren, Anadrol, and Halotestin. That may be a little too much on the orals side for me.
Please post your recommended cycle or suggestions…
[quote]gundecker wrote:
I am looking to begin running eight-week long strength cycles. I saw a good one in a recent issue of MD that consisted of Test, Anavar, Dbol, Tren, Anadrol, and Halotestin. That may be a little too much on the orals side for me.
Please post your recommended cycle or suggestions…
Cycle history? Do you have any experience with any of the ones you’ve mentioned?
Isnt Tren SUPER androgenic? I have heard about some nasty sides from people. However that being said all thoes people with nasty sides got HYGEEE on it.
If all you want is strength gain that is simple. I would go with Var. Very simple and safe, follow it with a proper SERM depending on your dosage and length.
Personally I used 40mg/day for 6 weeks and it was great. No sides, or bloating.
[quote]gundecker wrote:
I was reading about using Anavar and it’s kind of a toss up on whether it’s a strength agent or not.
have you had any experience with masteron?[/quote]
I have had a taste, but not enough to advise you in any decent capacity i’m afraid.
I have not used Var yet - but i am pretty sure that it’s strength gains are legit (as in, not overstated).
A stack of Tren A (300-350mg/wk), Mast P (350mg/wk) and low/med dose dbol (20-30mg/day) would give a cycle that is very good for strength, minimal but a little size and also very comfortable in regards to mood and sex drive (plenty of estrogen and DHT).
Dbol at 30mg a day is great at increasing strength, but you are less likely to suffer crippling pumps as some do at higher doses.
Test P (350-500mg/wk), Tren A (300-350mg/wk) and Var (60mg/day) would also be an excellent strength cycle.
I will be getting some Var this year and this would be a cycle i will be trying as well as others…
The first stack you suggested of tren, mast, and dbol sounds interesting. Being the low cycle history noobie still, how would the PCT be ran? Just a regular ol’ test taper using test?
HOWEVER - how many cycles have you done? Tren can be uncomfortable at that dose, and using 3 drugs at once may be a little too much - especially if you have not used any of them! Dianabol alone is a massive strength increaser… and i find that adding dbol to cycles increases my strength more than adding tren does. The tweo are a potent strength stack - but again, you would want to be a little experienced at least… to deal with potential problems if they arise.
I am aware of the nasty side effects the tren can offer. I have been thinking of running just a test c and tren enanthate cycle consisting of 500mg/week of test c and 250mg/week of tren ent just to get a dose of Mr. Tren. I know the enanthate ester will take a little longer to subside out of my bloodstream if there are any sides but that is why I’m dosing it so low and also, I would hate to pin everyday with the tren ace. Also, I think that