[quote]brian.m wrote:
this thread is in reference to something i see come up frequently on T-Nation, and all over, and was wondering where everyone stands on the point
i was going to reply in “FUNNY THINGS BLACK PEOPLE DO” thread, but decided it comes up enough that it deserves its own thread rather than cluttering up another one
Please be respectful as this is one of the largest actual problems when these things are discussed, not the fact that we are different from each other
so i was hoping that we could all exchange ideas in a place where everyone can say their piece, and hopefully we’ll have a bit more insight (for those interested
of course if we’re coming from different places, with different experiences we’ll not always agree…but we are never going to fucking agree on everything, and we should be able to accept to accept this, but it seems to be suprisingly difficult for many
from what i’ve seen, people who are so adamant to make sure no one is ever offended or even acknowledge that different people are different (whether it be individual or to try to assosiate one self with a certain image) are way more of a problem then the people who can mention it without getting all up in arms but see that the details dont make up the person (or groups/colours of persons) and laugh with each other when its there turn to be the centre of the
personally, i would WAY rather hear somebody mention something that(may or may not be true, or it may be a regional thing) that i havn’t thought of before, or make a joke about white people to my face (provided it is not delivered in hostility) than have 100 whiney bitches afraid that somebody might take something the wrong way
i cant see imagine that when people stop using logic as to whether or not something is actually offensive or not as possibly helping any problem.
IF we’re truely trying to erradicate a problem(racism?) , rather then just looking for an excuse to get mad. i dont think that this issue is limited to race in any way, and that it overlaps into many other areas but as this is getting long, i’ll try to keep it just to that
…BUT i will say This… - if everyone stopped looking for excuses to get angry (myself included if tired/hungry/whatever), we’d all be doin alot better[/quote]
I am latino, and the most racism I have encountered in my life has come from black people. I will deal with any man with respect if they do the same with me, but when you come to me thinking your owed something and try to get over on me. Then we have a problem.
Its hard for people in general to get over their preconceived notions of others , but when you do, you meet some very decent and good people.