[quote]BitterBuffalo wrote:
rangertab75 wrote:
No problem fellas, just keep up the support. God bless. RLTW
I bet you own alot of Toby Keith albums. You seem to draw all the inspiration for your posts from country music songs that came out after 9/11.
I hope that type of music makes somebody else besides me sick. [/quote]
Well I can think of one thing right fucking now that makes me sick! You’ve gotta have some pretty big nuts or a real messed up mindset to come onto a site like this and trash a guy you don’t even know for trying to make a positive thing out of what’s going on over there. It’s tough sometimes to feel real good about some of the things that we in uniform do now and then, but we do it anyway, because gutless pieces of shit like you obviously won’t. You don’t have to like what the Bush or the military does, but don’t ever come down on someone you’ve never met about liking the many times shitty job he has to do just because you’ve seen too many bullshit news reports or don’t like a fucking country music song. You really ought to be ashamed of yourself!
There really is no way for us (or the soldier who wrote that letter) to know truthfully whether or not those statistics are correct.
If he had written a letter detailing war crimes and other ignoble behavior it would be the same thing.
The idea that those improvements exist and have been made is great. I hope they have. I wish we could know.
And this is just a thought, but wouldn’t it make sense to paint a rosy picture of things for your soldiers, to keep them motivated?
Come on guys, take a joke right? You can’t deny that all those country music songs post 9/11 were sappy, sentimental bullshit. Come on, you think Toby Keith’s fat ass is a real tough guy. I see right through that shit. Cocksucker was capitalizing on the death of 3,000 plus Americans and probablly did it in the most uncreative way imaginable. And why are you fellas so quick to call me a pussy because I feel a certain way about the military involvement in Iraq? Do you feel that you could beat my ass because of it or what? Not everyone who HATES this administrations policies is a yellow-bellied California fag.
I think people have issues attacking the soldiers instead of attacking the goverment. This is the same problem that people had in Vietnam. They associate every soldier as the same and they associate every soldier as being the people who initiate these missions. That is not the case… and never has been the case. If you have a problem with the war or the policies trash talk to the government. Soldiers are doing their job as asked… just like we all do our jobs as asked. Many times we don’t agree with our bosses, but tough shit… we do it anyway. Nothing but respect for the women/men in uniform. There may be 1 or 2 stories of crazy assholes, but when it boils down to it… those are 1 or 2 crazy assholes. They are everywhere. Not just the military.
I hate posting in the politics forum… it shrinks your balls worse then steroid abuse.
Well pardon me Buff, but some of us don’t take what we do for a living and the current state of affairs in the world quite as lightly as you do. I hope you get some sort of sick fascination with pissing people off or something, because I’m sure you’re just happy as a pig in shit right now. Even if Toby Keith was capitalizing on the deaths of the 9/11 victims, at least he’s not spitting on their graves like you are. And I’m not calling you a pussy, I don’t know you, but now and then maybe it’s better to keep your opinions to yourself instead of infuriating a group of people who still take pride in being an American.
[quote]TriGWU wrote:
I think people have issues attacking the soldiers instead of attacking the goverment. This is the same problem that people had in Vietnam. They associate every soldier as the same and they associate every soldier as being the people who initiate these missions. That is not the case… and never has been the case. If you have a problem with the war or the policies trash talk to the government. Soldiers are doing their job as asked… just like we all do our jobs as asked. Many times we don’t agree with our bosses, but tough shit… we do it anyway. Nothing but respect for the women/men in uniform. There may be 1 or 2 stories of crazy assholes, but when it boils down to it… those are 1 or 2 crazy assholes. They are everywhere. Not just the military.
I hate posting in the politics forum… it shrinks your balls worse then steroid abuse. [/quote]
Everyone keeps saying that, but I’ve yet to come across a single person that has attacked the soldiers. Every complaint I’ve heard has been with our administration. Do you guys actually come across people that attack our soldiers?
[quote]BitterBuffalo wrote:
Come on guys, take a joke right? You can’t deny that all those country music songs post 9/11 were sappy, sentimental bullshit. Come on, you think Toby Keith’s fat ass is a real tough guy. I see right through that shit. Cocksucker was capitalizing on the death of 3,000 plus Americans and probablly did it in the most uncreative way imaginable. And why are you fellas so quick to call me a pussy because I feel a certain way about the military involvement in Iraq? Do you feel that you could beat my ass because of it or what? Not everyone who HATES this administrations policies is a yellow-bellied California fag.[/quote]
I’ll agree with you on one point, Toby Keith’s fat ass is just about the furthest thing from being a tough guy I can think of. How anyone on this forum could think he’s the real deal is beyond me.
Everyone keeps saying that, but I’ve yet to come across a single person that has attacked the soldiers. Every complaint I’ve heard has been with our administration. Do you guys actually come across people that attack our soldiers?[/quote]
As a college student at George Washington we have a lot of Very-Anti-Bush students. I noticed a lot of harsh comments toward the ROTC kids. While this can’t be applied to the nation as a whole, it is pretty pathetic even in such this small number.
I don’t want to hijack the thread… but on a side note… I am pretty disgusted with the lack of overall patriotism since 9/11. Look at the surge that happened post 9/11. Flags, magnets, etc… everyone rallied in the American spirit. Now where has this gone? I am starting a new thread on this topic.
I’m calling Buffalo Shit a pussy. Not because he’s against the military, or against the administration - but because it is a classless act to get on a thread dedicated to the soldier - and piss on everything.
He uses Toby Kieth for some symbol when he knows nothing about the guy, or why the song was written, or how it came about being released.
[quote]BitterBuffalo wrote:
rangertab75 wrote:
No problem fellas, just keep up the support. God bless. RLTW
I bet you own alot of Toby Keith albums. You seem to draw all the inspiration for your posts from country music songs that came out after 9/11.
I hope that type of music makes somebody else besides me sick. [/quote]
Actually, I draw all the inspiration I have from experience. Sorry, next time I’ll try not to sound TOO sincere about a subject that has consumed my life, you fucking dipshit. RLTW
I’ve been serving my country through the USAF. I’ve been a part of multiple “real world” missions that played a vital role in missions like; operation Noble Eagle and Enduring Freedom. The main reason why you will NEVER hear any soldier or government employee, who doesn’t want to violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), disclose any vital information regarding tactics, diplomacy, or role of the mission, is to keep leakage of vital information from reaching “The Press” or enemy hands. Case closed!
As a Republican, and an American Soldier, I can tell you that this War’s primary interest was not to reform Iraq. That was “plan D”, if you will. That was given to the Press, United Nations, and “Mom-and-Pop” to show why we had an interest in the country. I’m not going to sit here and preach about issues that most of you will not be able to comprehend and think you already know. Nor will I incriminate myself any further.
Moving on?.
I have played a vital role in what most of you only hear about or could imagine. To both sides of the fence… Be for-warned! Don’t believe everything you read and see on the news. Don’t believe everything your commander, vice counsel, or staff tells you. And don’t be drawn to an extreme on this issue for it will destroy the harmonious debate of ?WHY?!
This is America! It was not founded on Ideology. Do you really think that either side of the fence is going to wipe your ass for you? HAHAHAHAHA…
If you?re going to support America, than fucking support it!!! Don’t bitch about its flaws and idiosyncrasies. You don’t want to support America and what it stands for? Load up on a boat. Find a deserted island and whine about why there are no white fuzzy coconuts…
I can understand one taking pride in the fact that he (an American soldier) is a hard worker and performs his job to the best of his abilities. But calling something a job doesn’t make it right. I don’t wish death to the Americans in Iraq but I can understand those that do. I mostly just feel very, very, sorry for the soldiers in Iraq. As much as they want to attach something positive to this whole shit mess (and honestly, God bless those you are making there best effort to remain human through all that death and what not), the truth has become more and more apparent since the start of the war that this is a fight that serves no one but a select few rich white people. Even if we hand out a billion care packages in the middle east, it’s not going to make up for the loss of innocent life over there.
That concept just blows my mind, it’s like, “Hey, we’re the United States, and we’re really great at solving a problem after WE created it. I’m sorry you’re family was bombed to shit Mr. Habib, but here’s a toothbrush and a ballot that you can’t make any damn since of but go ahead and vote cheif.”
Democracy doesn’t come from 500lb bombs. These troops are not fighting for democracy so I am not going to thank them for that, OK. So do us a favor and quit spitting that propoganda, because no one is going to treat you like you had just saved America from an invading army. Yes, we need a strong national defense, not an offense. And, NO, all you military people, you are not garrisoned on all corners of the earth because America is just that nice to keep everyone safe at night. So don’t give me that speech about you being out there so I can sit here and type in the safety of my own home.
I don’t hate America, I don’t hate our military, I DO hate the neo-con view of global strategy and foreign policy, and above everything, I WANT YOU HOME AND SAFE WHERE YOU BELONG, HOPING TO GOD THAT WE DON’T NEED YOU BUT THANKING GOD THAT WE HAVE YOU.
But I will not thank you for your actions in Iraq. It does not serve the American people or the people of Iraq. I’m sorry you’ve been forced to go there.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
I’m calling Buffalo Shit a pussy. Not because he’s against the military, or against the administration - but because it is a classless act to get on a thread dedicated to the soldier - and piss on everything.
He uses Toby Kieth for some symbol when he knows nothing about the guy, or why the song was written, or how it came about being released.
Truly a classess, estrogen soaked vagina.
I’m calling rainjack a very nice fellow with some strong opinions.
Now go put on your patriotic jumpsuit and pretend you came from a generation that actually did something productive for this country.
[quote]BitterBuffalo wrote:
I can understand one taking pride in the fact that he (an American soldier) is a hard worker and performs his job to the best of his abilities. But calling something a job doesn’t make it right. I don’t wish death to the Americans in Iraq but I can understand those that do.[/quote]
Just a hint: do not ever post something like your last sentence here ever again in a thread like this. If you want to coddle the extremists who want you and your way of life dead, then do it somewhere else. Honestly.
Don’t feel sorry for our soldiers, pooky. They’re doing the job that people like you can not and will not do. They are fighting tyranny while your unappreciative asshat self is sitting over here bitching about how innocent lives are being lost. You will not understand that this is the friendliest, and by that I am referring to the lowest percentage of civilian casualties, combat engagement in the history of warfare. You will not acknowledge that the Iraqi people are far better off now than in pre-war Iraq under Saddam (which was the point of this thread). You really are just a prejudiced and compromised individual. What is apparent to me since the start of this war, is that folks like you will not open your minds to the possibility that there could be any good to come of this, and no matter what information you learn about the actual truth, you will only cling to those ideas and those media statements which paint my country as evil. Fuck you, sir. And the weak hand-wringing donkey you rode in on.
[quote]That concept just blows my mind, it’s like, “Hey, we’re the United States, and we’re really great at solving a problem after WE created it. I’m sorry you’re family was bombed to shit Mr. Habib, but here’s a toothbrush and a ballot that you can’t make any damn since of but go ahead and vote cheif.”[/quote] Oh that’s right… I forgot about that memo I got that confirmed that all the problems in the Middle East were caused by the US. Let’s not forget that my government also created AIDS so that Africa can suffer, and also be sure to remind everyone about how my culture of capitalism is responsible for all of the ills of today’s world youth. My bad.
Okay, I won’t… or did I already? Tell you what, I don’t give you that speech, and you don’t tell me how you don’t hate America, but you hate our government and the fact that the current administration has the guts to take an active and healthy interest in the rest of the world.
[quote]I don’t hate America, I don’t hate our military, I DO hate the neo-con view of global strategy and foreign policy, and above everything, I WANT YOU HOME AND SAFE WHERE YOU BELONG, HOPING TO GOD THAT WE DON’T NEED YOU BUT THANKING GOD THAT WE HAVE YOU. [/quote] Ahhh… so much for our deal. You sound like… bah, better not go there, RJ summed it up nicely already.
Fine, if you won’t do it, then I will thank men like rangertab, sjoconn, and OD for both of us. Stay safe boys! I’m keeping the beer cold for y’all.
As for you, BitterFieldmouse, go start your own “I hate Bush” thread, and stop your whiny and ineffectual comments on this one.
Thank you in advance,
Your very, very good friend lothario
[quote]Original_Demon wrote:
If you?re going to support America, than fucking support it!!! Don’t bitch about its flaws and idiosyncrasies. You don’t want to support America and what it stands for? Load up on a boat. Find a deserted island and whine about why there are no white fuzzy coconuts…
[quote]BitterBuffalo wrote:
I’m calling rainjack a very nice fellow with some strong opinions.
Now go put on your patriotic jumpsuit and pretend you came from a generation that actually did something productive for this country.[/quote]
First off - who gives a flying fuck what you think of me? All people hear when you speak are the sounds of a huge queef and giant labia flapping together.
Your comments suggest that you are just a punk kid. Tell me - do you have this much bitterness towards your mommie and daddy? Or are you nice to them because they still let you live at home?
[quote]TriGWU wrote:
Original_Demon wrote:
If you?re going to support America, than fucking support it!!! Don’t bitch about its flaws and idiosyncrasies. You don’t want to support America and what it stands for? Load up on a boat. Find a deserted island and whine about why there are no white fuzzy coconuts…
0%. I can easily support this country and still note the problems it has. The difference is whether someone is simply talking about the problems with no action, or at least helping in some way to promote the positive aspects. To act as if acknowledging a problem is wrong is to deny anyone else who disagrees with your opinions. I am not sure why there is this push to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with you. If someone has a different point of view, let them state it as long it doesn’t fall to childish bullshit.
I wonder if this same amount of support for a soldier would be there if the letter written didn’t aupport the current administration. That would be the only way to be fair and show that all of these responses are a direct result of respect for a soldier and his effort and not simply promotion of ideas that you already agree with.
[quote]lothario1132 wrote:
BitterBuffalo wrote:
I can understand one taking pride in the fact that he (an American soldier) is a hard worker and performs his job to the best of his abilities. But calling something a job doesn’t make it right. I don’t wish death to the Americans in Iraq but I can understand those that do.
Just a hint: do not ever post something like your last sentence here ever again in a thread like this. If you want to coddle the extremists who want you and your way of life dead, then do it somewhere else. Honestly.
I’m not referring to the Al-Qaida members in Iraq. Who, mind you, would have not been permitted to operate there as they do now had GW not launched Vietnam the sequal. I talking about the homeless, jobless, hungry, HOPELESS young Iraqi men who have had their fucking lives so turned upside down from this shit that the only thing left to do is pick up a rifle. Can you blame some of these guys, whether they do it for religious or financial reasons, I don’t think you can deny that it is a monster created by our own hand.
So yes, I can understand why young Americans get killed in Iraq, and I’m not angry at the other young men who kill them. I’m not going to man a North Vietnamese Anti-Aircraft gun either.
Also, If those extremest wanted my FREEDOM and way of life to die, they would have attackted the Netherlands or Sweden. That’s the biggest cop out I’ve ever heard, “They hate Freedom”. Come on, who hates freedom, you’re an idiot.
I don’t understand why people feel so threatened when someone disagrees with something…
I think it is great that some soldiers feel good about what they are doing… but if they are fighting against tyranny like many of you say, they are fighting for the rights of people like Buffalo to say whatever the hell he feels like about the war, patriotism, etc.