[quote]Spry wrote:
If its a Commonwealth Law (not a State one):
I would apply to the Federal Court of Australia to make a decision if this is legal or not (and would likely debate the meaning of our constitution).
Why do I need an RPG for this?[/quote]
You need an RPG for that when it is something important and the government is taking the wrong side. The government was fully supportive of slavery. Should the slaves have accepted the court’s decision? I notice you reiterated the question without responding to my answer in the last post. Good for you.[quote]
The law that gives you your gun also gives you peaceful remindies to disputes with your government.[/quote]
And that’s why you aren’t to consider revolt until, “A long train of abuses.”[quote]
Its a sad world you all live in.[/quote]
And it’s the real world. You seem to live in happy fun land. [quote]
Weapons are neccessary to protect the State and its citizens but it is anarchy to have private citizens having large amounts of firepower.
I don’t see why you need more than a single shot rifle for home defense.
Then you haven’t ever had to fire a gun in anger deadeye. Then again you may well just be the greatest gunfighter ever since you seem to be able to handle multiple attackers in close quarters with a single shot rifle on your nightstand. I’m surprised that you don’t advocate using an old black powder musket, complete with the little powder horn and stamping rod. Perhaps have a little smelting pot by the bed heated by a sterno stove so you can cast your own musket ball.[quote]
And if you need to carry a concealled weapon to walk the streets then the world you live in is shit and you’d be better off going on a killing spree and blowing your brains out soon after and making the 5 oclock news.
And since you don’t seem to feel the need to carry a weapon perhaps you should blow YOUR brains out so that way the mother of your children can find someone who is willing to properly protect them.
And I repeat myself: Why do you feel the need to lecture me about my country and my culture? You don’t see me posting about how Australia needs to grow a pair and get their guns back. It’s your country, do with it what you will. Why is it so hard to extend the same courtesy?