[quote]steveo5801 wrote:
They say this because that is what the Bible says. Being “Christian” would mean following “Christ,” and following Chirst would mean to follow what He says. Period. Jesus said that “I am THE way, THE truth and THE life, no man (i.e. nobody) comes unto the Father (i.e. enteres Heaven) except by me (only through Him.” Pretty simple.
Look, this is not a universal interpretation, and given your lack of intelligence, you should realize you might be wrong.
This part is alright…
But this part gets quite tricky…
Jesus said a lot more than that. In fact, he said many things… some of which seem to conflict with one another.
He also said that one could go to heaven if one followed the laws and loved God.
Are you claiming that he lied?
Following Jesus can also simply mean that you can’t get there without following him.
However, the use of flowery language aside, all you have to do is listen to him and follow his advice, to take his lessons to heart.
It is only us, ourselves, through the process of making historic items more and more significant over time, that have turned this into some strange meaning that is hard to fathom.
Any of the roads that Jesus laid out to us, if we follow them, will lead us where we want to go.
There are at least two occasions where he allows that living well (which is what I call abiding by the commandments) and loving God is sufficient.
However, he does point out that acquiring wealth instead of caring for your fellow man is not acceptable.
Anyway Steveo, like it or not, you don’t have a lock on what Jesus actually meant, you have your own interpretation and given your lack of ability to understand what anybody writes around here I truly question your ability to accurately interpret text written in the language and mindset of someone living two thousand years ago.
You should think about that.