Howdy y’all, long time no see.
I am actually on HCG Monotherapy rather than TRT, but I imagine many of these things apply regardless. I’ve been on for about six years now, after being on clomid for three years and not being able to get estrogen under control.
Anyway, I got my annual blood work done last week and there’s a few things that either look abnormal to me or are flagged as abnormal, and I’d like a few extra sets of eyes so I know what to discuss with my doctor in case I am missing anything.
Total T is 378ng/dL (last year it was 627ng/dL and it tends to be in the 550-650 range)
e2 17ng/mL (this seems fine but is important for context)
PSA 1.54 ng/mL (this seems high as early onset prostate cancer runs in my family but I could just be overthinking it for that reason)
Liver values for alkaline phostphatase, bilirubin total and direct, protein, albumin, and globulin are all on the lower side of normal or right in the middle, except for:
ALT, 72iu/L (high, range tops out at 54)
AST 49iu/L (slightly high, range tops out at 48)
Cholesterol is 205mg/dL (High, range tops out at 199)
HDL is 41mg/dL (fine)
Triglycerides 100 mg/dL
LDL is 144mg/dL (High, range tops out at 99)
Complete Blood Count is also all in the middle range for normal, except for:
Hemoglobin 17.6g/dL (very slightly high, range tops out at 17.5)
Hematocrit: 54.4g/dL (slightly high, range tops out at 53)
Context: I am 34. This was fasted at around 9:30am. I had had maybe one to two drinks the night before as I was working a bartending shift. I drink maybe two times a week, almost never more than two drinks in one day - usually one beer while cooking dinner and another with dinner on weekends, rarely more than that. I do not smoke or use drugs and never have.
Additionally, I was getting over COVID. I mention this because I was, one, sleep before this blood work was not optimal, and, two, I think the one or two beers and the cocktail of nyquil, paxlovid, etc could be responsible for the higher liver enzymes. I am also slightly overweight - I’ve kept 80lbs off for a decade, but I’m still sitting at around 22% body fat per a bodpod scan. I lift weights 3x a week but could stand to work more cardio in as I work a sedentary job.
So, my thought is that the above is what’s happening here, but I figure a few extra sets of eyes before my appointment on Thursday can’t hurt.
I generally feel fine - I make progress in the gym, I have plenty of energy, my sex drive is pretty high, I don’t feel like I did when I started treatment all those years ago - but I don’t love the 378ng/dL number.
Anything I’m missing or should be looking at?