
Okay so i’ve been lurking this site for almost 2 years now been working out seriously for 3 (tore my acl that messed me up last july fer about 2 months)… done a lot of research on various things… and i got say i find my self here reading almost 2 hours a day… who needs stinkin books when you have knowledgeable ppl like the infamous “bonez” helpin u and cussing you out at the same time lol. anyway guys i fucked up… and i’m curious to what extent the damage is…

I started a var/t4/clen/al cycle about 4 weeks ago (i want to harden up a bit this is all wut my dealer/friend recommend me to do for the desired result)
sum shit went down and i missed a week and a few days of my cycle (i know i know i already said i fucked up)

basically i’ve decided to go back on and i’m upping the dose fer bout a week n a few days of the var so that my cycle will still remain 6 weeks not counting the break (21 days is what is left)

the clen and all that is still same dosage…

my question is will i still get some?/more than orless than? the first 3 weeks results? keep in mind i missed about 12 days

your prolly wondering my doseage ect…

var 20mg veterinarian grade spread 8hrs apart in 2 10mg dose (this is wut my dealer advised fer me he is a bodybuilder competes ect… even tho the general consensus around here is 60mg LOL …hey i saw good results in strength gain and “hardness” from the first 3 weeks so it’s working)

albu 16mg (2 time release 8mg caps 4 hrs apart)
clen 0,04mg (2 0,02mg one with the first albu dose and the other 1 hr b4 workout)
T4 b4 bed 100mcg to 200mcg after 7 days repeating this again (i’m not sure if its mg or mcg i’m at work and don’t have the bottle here)

i’m not a huge dude i’m 5’8 170 11% bf my goal is 185 8-9% bf for now
and yes i will do a test cycle in about 6 week… i should’ve done it first but i’m an idiot… i’m really paranoid about water retention even when i take creatine i get moon face FML!

every1 does this so i guess i should too…

squat-305 (i tored my acl last year i’m workin on it…)
these aren’t 1rm either i honestly don’t even bother with 1rm cuz i’m paranoid of injury
this is my 2-3 rep range nothing impressive it is wut it is… at least i’m not that fat guy at the gym benching 1 plate on each side making loud noises and mad dogging every1 cuz he has two tattoos on his face…

well thanx in advanced for who ever is gonna flame me or help me any attention/time is much appreciated…

“good eatin!”

Why the choice of those compounds? Why?

2 years of research @ 2hrs/day you should have greater knowledge than this.

This is why I don’t post here anymore, or read info from this site.

Venom, please learn proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.

"and yes i will do a test cycle in about 6 week… i should’ve done it first but i’m an idiot… i’m really paranoid about water retention even when i take creatine i get moon face FML! "

Okay, at least you realized one of your mistakes.
You must have some shitty creatine.
And harden up by diet, and not drugs.

You must have horrible reading comprehension, two years of lurking and this is what you come up with

Please read the stickles and learn how to post a cycle!

Poor cycle choice

Clen and Albuterol, what are you doing ? you have never tried either right ?.

T4 you will be shooting yourself in a foot! You dont have the expertise or dedication to use this yet.

Anavar ? you are afraid of needles!

Regarding the compounds above they will not give you the results you are looking for, save the $.

You solution is a simple 3 step solution:

1- Hit the gym harder
2- Diet
3- Cardio

clenbuterol and albuterol are practically the same drug with different half lives. Either/Or.

20mg of var is gonna do fuck all. I was donig 50mg a day during my 2week cycle period and it “felt” negligible - though i hear its hard to get hold of legit var.

Your goal is to gain 15lbs - yet your choice of drugs are not suited to this.

Add some injectible testosterone and an AI - it will decrease bloat and fat retention.

In fact, just drop the var and pop some AI instead and your protocol’ll be more effective.

Wont gain any size though, hehe

thanx for the responses…

y? i did a cycle that was recommend to me by my bodybuilder friend… i told him the desired result and this is wut he told me to do…my theory was that i would harden up and get leaner so that wen i do run a test cycle the bloat won’t make me look like a balloon… i’m really paranoid about looking fat because i was the fat kid in high school i weighed 206 at my worst at 5’7 and couldn’t even bench a plate on each side… so i don’t ever want to resemble that guy wut so ever again… lol

i had shitty english teachers in highschool sorry about the grammar. That is why i’m in I.T. and not a english teacher… lol i plan to run a test cycle soon and no i’m not scared of needles…

I understand this is not a weight gaining cycle…
my goal of 15 lbs will be during the test cycle

6 more weeks till test time… i can’t wait
do you guys think i should give a cool down period after the var cycle to start test??
i was gonna wait about 3 weeks to be safe.

another concern i have…
i’m pretty sexually active… and umm i know running test will make me even more of a dog… but when i stop will i be able to get it up or wut? i’m really paranoid cuz even whilst on var a few time i couldn’t keep an erection and it took a little more work to get it up…

even when i run pct how long will it take to be functioning like normal?

i don’t care to much about sterility or ballz size… cuz i don’t ever want to have kids and i think the size of the bat impacts more than the ball lol

Christ you sound as thick as pig shit lol

nice troll job…

Do more research

You should not be using steroids.

why not rrjc? i wanna see wut test is like

Because you have NO idea what you’re doing. How old are you?


i’ve practically memorized the newbie steroid cycle sticky … i don’t know wut i’m doing but i figure if i follow the instruction i should be fine…

your concern is appreciated

The instruction of your drug dealer? He’s a fucking idiot, too.

Was he the one who told you to take a ‘cool down period’ after your cycle?

You OR HIM don’t have even the slightest clue on what you’re doing.

Like everyone else here, I’m going to add that you seem to not really know anything about what you are doing to yourself. Why don’t you take our advice and do a little more research on the subject before injecting compounds into yourself that you know nothing about? We don’t have anything to gain by giving you our advice but your dealer definitely does if you listen to him instead.

Just take some time and read up man. It’s very interesting to read about anyway once you get into it. You only have one body; know what you’re doing to it.

If you’re a troll, you’re welcome anyway I guess…

Wonders how people who can’t spell expect to be intelligent enough to run a cycle

I have attached a link to download FireFox; it has a built in spell check.

Dude, you’re telling us that you don’t plan on having kids and you don’t care about your nuts. That’s the most outrageous thing I have ever heard. You only have one body, take care of it…

  • Do you even have a PCT?
  • Don’t you realize what the f*ck you are doing to your body?
  • Don’t expect any type of gains with that gay ass attitude and awesome cycle.

I am by no means an expert on this, however, I consider myself knowledgeable enough to not do something as stupid as this.

( P.S- Are you sure you don’t want to have kids? You might think that way now but see yourself in your 50’s alone with no wife… )