How did we get this far into the thread without a single reference to either “ancaconda” or “release” as a sexual double entendre?
[quote]Phileaux wrote:
Might be like the REALLY old Met-RX protien that came in two seperate containers that had to be taken together for the required effect, i.e. one pill a pre-pro-hormone the other converts it for the bodys use?[/quote]
I think this is the a good idea of what they might do. It seems that if you sell/manufacture two products that do nothing by themselfs. And they have to be packaged seprately and not sold as a kit, then what makes it illegal, if you are are crazy enough to purchase only one or the other then that is your right.
Could such a product be developed, so that it will combine in the body in the right concentrations to have a profound effect?
Have not seen a reply from anyone about Anaconda…hows about it?
I heard this product is going to parallel prohormones in effectiveness!
Why bump? Biotest isn’t biting. They’ll tell us when they’re good and ready.
Lots of very interesting ideas so far. Glad I’m not the only obsessively curious guy around here!
[quote]samuelm704 wrote:
Phileaux wrote:
Might be like the REALLY old Met-RX protien that came in two seperate containers that had to be taken together for the required effect, i.e. one pill a pre-pro-hormone the other converts it for the bodys use?
I think this is the a good idea of what they might do. It seems that if you sell/manufacture two products that do nothing by themselfs. And they have to be packaged seprately and not sold as a kit, then what makes it illegal, if you are are crazy enough to purchase only one or the other then that is your right.
Could such a product be developed, so that it will combine in the body in the right concentrations to have a profound effect?[/quote]
Wouldn’t you think this could potentially lead to some kind of lawsuit, though? Maybe I’m just talking out of my ass; I know nothing about litigation. It just seems like something that could be very risky. Biotest doesn’t seem to be the type of company that takes those kinds of chances…
Guys, It’s an ultra-potent fiber supplement producing the big brown anaconda…
[quote]Scrappy wrote:
Guys, It’s an ultra-potent fiber supplement producing the big brown anaconda…[/quote]
But my guess: Avena Sativa
It seems the most powerful (and popular) herbal testosterone enhancement products today are using standardized extracts of either Avena Sativa or Urtica dioica. The aromatase inhibitors are powerful (and popular) as well, but IMO, dangerous compared to SHBG inhibition.
AveNA sativa - ANAconda
What do you guys think?
The project had to be killed; It turned out that the active ingredient in “Anaconda” makes the baby Jesus cry.