[quote]100meters wrote:
malonetd wrote:
100meters wrote:
tedro wrote:
100meters wrote:
tedro wrote:
100meters wrote:
myjennycdb wrote:
100meters wrote:
Still that aside, Beck is a liar/hack/douche.
Do UAW workers really make $150 and hour? No about a third of that, but that’s exactly what Beck told me on the teevee.
Oh also, he lied to me about the health provisions in the stimulus, saying government will tell doctors what to do. Turns out that wasn’t true.
My party???
Anyways, I believe what he said was they do make $150 with the benefits included in that. I am not saying to agree or not with him. Just be informed and do your own research…no surprise here- the country is in the crapper!
The problem is folks believe what he says. He deliberately lies to steer the sheep that watch him.
And the average UAW worker makes $55 an hour including wages, overtime, benefits, vacation, and insurance.
Hence, Beck is a lying/hack/douche who should just be ignored.
The firms currently pay an average of $55 an hour in wages and benefits to hourly workers, while Japanese automakers pay about $46 an hour, according to an analysis by Barclays Capital.
You are comparing apples and oranges. The $150 figure is the total cost incured for employee related expenses per hour of labor. This would include any payroll taxes, retiree benefits, and insurance for the company.
He said: “The average UAW worker makes … $154 an hour.You know if you include the benefits and everything”
They don’t make/earn anywhere near that number, it was said to mislead listeners.
Your apology of course accepted in advance.
p.s. technically I compared an apple to an apple, but you compared an apple to an orange. Inform yourself first next time.
If he said that, he mispoke. Beck and Rush have both discussed this at length, and have been very clear about what is included in the $150. I haven’t heard either suggest that a UAW worker actually makes that much.
Unless you can quote and source him saying exactly that, I’ll assume his comments were accurate and your listening/reading comprehension is the only thing to blame. That seems like a safer assumption.
Seems better to just assume he lies, since that’s what he gets paid to do. Note, i’m not paid to debunk lies in here, it’s just fun to do so.
So, words matter, he said “made”, he didn’t say the “labor burden on company x”. And of course he’s not going to make that distinction because telling listeners that the average wage of a UAW worker is $29 an hour wouldn’t likely outrage anybody.
Neverminding GM says the actual labor burden is $70 (including everything and the retired)
So, yeah what I said: LIAR.
So every time someone screws up numbers it’s definitely a lie, right? Like losing 500 million jobs a month? Or visiting 57 states?
I think it’s safer to assume most people have no grasp of numbers. The whole fucking country is innumerate, anyway. The general public just doesn’t comprehend basic math.
And when it comes to trusting someone with numbers, from what I’ve seen on this site, I trust tedro more than most. I don’t know what he does for a living, but his calculations on most threads are usually dead on.
He didn’t screw up the numbers, he repeated a recently popular wingnut meme. Hannity says it, O lielly says it, etc… Kind of like the salt harvest mouse meme, all designed lies, intended to steer sheep like you to a particular point of view.
I was going to respond, but what’s the point? Even though you don’t know shit about me, I’m just a sheep. So…