hi guys and thanks for taking the time, ive read heaps about aas and know a fair amount about them but no harm in getting more bro science…
bump some advixe would be nice guys thanks!!!
another thing i would like to add is would 750 mg of test e be too much for a first cycle ???
[quote]moeyyeahyeah wrote:
Alot of people already ask me if im on the gear so i take it people must think that im fairly big, but im not happy with just being big i want to be fucken massive excuse the language but fuck it im bulking till i die…
Sounds like you’ve already made your decision, what do you need us for?
You’re not gonna get advice on here because a) this is your first and second post on the site, and b) you’re just looking for “bro science” anyway. Whether you’re ready for AAS is up to you, nobody on here can tell you that. If you’re just looking for personal affirmation, ask a non-internet bro.
bump some advixe would be nice guys thanks!!!
another thing i would like to add is would 750 mg of test e be too much for a first cycle ???
ii have made my decision i merely want to know if my cycle is on point, if I’m at a good starting point to begin a cycle … also if my diet is suffice ectect. also what kinda gains am i looking to obtain i know its gonna vary person to person but just would like to know what some people would think. i came on here to get advice, i know its my first post, but wouldn’t 90% of peoples first post be for advice ??? clearly… also I’m not exactly gonna start posting advice for others when i have no real world experience with ass. so whats a bro to do???
@flipcollar sorry i should have picked a better name for my post something like I’m ready to cycle whats everyones thoughts and advice… something along those lines i just did it quickly…
your first post was too long for anyone to be bothered to read. If you just tell us your stats and your proposed cycle (including PCT) we’ll tell you if it’s good
13% is fine IMO.
IMO once you are pushing 20% it becomes dicey but a lot of people have very little understanding of the difference in health between a 11% and something like 16%. Its almost non existent.