Am I Getting Ripped Off?

I have a few questions so I’ll start it off with, AM I GETTING RIPPED OFF??
My “friend” can get me 30ml of test E for around $230, Now I KNOW thats an inflated price but how bad is it?? Im on a tight budget and really dont want to pay that much for something that costs a good deal less.

Uh, that’s awful. Quick answer is yes.

Do you live in Australia? I can’t even imagine it’s that expensive there.

Better than what I paid for my first cycle, but yeah, that’s still pretty high. What is it dosed at? 250mg/ml? If so, yeah, you’re overpaying a bit.

Well if it is TOP quality gearit is an ok price. I got some “good” gear at 40ml 250 mg/ml recently for 75$.

Yeah, that’s high. Where do you live?

Very high for UG stuff. I wouldn’t pay more than $150 for that.

30 ml test e pharma grade 45 euros.

I live in Tennessee!! Its from a UG and Its 250mg/ml.

Its not top quality for sure, Hell like I said this will be my first cycle and Im teaching the guy about PCT, orals, and shit to take for side effects.
If he was making it I wouldn’t touch it haha but he’s not the one making it.

Dude I am in Tennessee and you are over freaking paying. You can find better. Hit up Facebook seriously

[quote]Reed wrote:
Dude I am in Tennessee and you are over freaking paying. You can find better. Hit up Facebook seriously [/quote]
Dont think im a complete retard haha but why facebook?? Like look around for people in my area lol??

2 words: source board

[quote]JACKEDjames123 wrote:

[quote]Reed wrote:
Dude I am in Tennessee and you are over freaking paying. You can find better. Hit up Facebook seriously [/quote]
Dont think im a complete retard haha but why facebook?? Like look around for people in my area lol??

Exactly lol Add me and just show a interest in lifting and they will come to you its stupid how easy it is down here.

[quote]The-German wrote:
2 words: source board[/quote]

[quote]Reed wrote:

[quote]JACKEDjames123 wrote:

[quote]Reed wrote:
Dude I am in Tennessee and you are over freaking paying. You can find better. Hit up Facebook seriously [/quote]
Dont think im a complete retard haha but why facebook?? Like look around for people in my area lol??

Exactly lol Add me and just show a interest in lifting and they will come to you its stupid how easy it is down here.[/quote]

The issue im having atm is that I literally JUST changed gyms, which in a way is good since Im bigger and more serious now so the seasoned vets will take me serious and actually talk to me. Its not hard to tell who is using haha but it is hard to get them to talk to me since I “havent paid my dues”. I’ll post the link to my dummy account I use to fuck around and what not add me and i’ll send you a message.

Well, I can understand wanting to find some but that’s ludicrous.

I know someone that can source 2 vials of legitimate Tren for the same cost.

[quote]SSC wrote:
Well, I can understand wanting to find some but that’s ludicrous.

I know someone that can source 2 vials of legitimate Tren for the same cost.[/quote]

*** You’ll get older some day and rue the day you pumped yourself full of artificial crap to temporarily look good. Life is a journey not a sprint.

[quote]Krinks wrote:

[quote]SSC wrote:
Well, I can understand wanting to find some but that’s ludicrous.

I know someone that can source 2 vials of legitimate Tren for the same cost.[/quote]

*** You’ll get older some day and rue the day you pumped yourself full of artificial crap to temporarily look good. Life is a journey not a sprint. [/quote]

I know your not coming to this forum with that fucking attitude and being serious right like your joking???

[quote]Krinks wrote:

[quote]SSC wrote:
Well, I can understand wanting to find some but that’s ludicrous.

I know someone that can source 2 vials of legitimate Tren for the same cost.[/quote]

*** You’ll get older some day and rue the day you pumped yourself full of artificial crap to temporarily look good. Life is a journey not a sprint. [/quote]

And this gentlemen, is what a jackass looks like!!

[quote]Krinks wrote:

[quote]SSC wrote:
Well, I can understand wanting to find some but that’s ludicrous.

I know someone that can source 2 vials of legitimate Tren for the same cost.[/quote]

*** You’ll get older some day and rue the day you pumped yourself full of artificial crap to temporarily look good. Life is a journey not a sprint. [/quote]

Why take that journey on foot when you can do it in a G5?

I paid 270 for 50 ml. and that includes S&H