Been off a blast for well over 7 weeks, down to 200mg/wk of cypionate… Had a weeks vacation and still have no VO2 recovery, out of breath during sex and mild activities, sweating a lot more, heart rate still high… never under 84 bpm… should I be worried or just start some cardio?
Did you gain a significant amount of body fat?? Or body weight for that matter??
What does your diet look like?
[quote]JKriminal wrote:
Been off a blast for well over 7 weeks, down to 200mg/wk of cypionate… Had a weeks vacation and still have no VO2 recovery, out of breath during sex and mild activities, sweating a lot more, heart rate still high… never under 84 bpm… should I be worried or just start some cardio?[/quote]
See your primary doctor ASAP. Tell them what your on and go from there. They may send you to a cardiologist. I had a similar problem ( I’m not on steroids) three years ago and the zhit hit the fan pretty quick. There could be a problem with your heart - blocked value or other reason. This type of thing can come on all of a sudden, you could be walking and saying to yourself - damn why am I so winded. Then a day later your fine. I don’t know how old you are, but stuff like this can happen to young bucks and it can be deadly. Heart rate high and out of breath from little exertion, means your heart is working much harder to keep the engine running. Take your condition seriously.
[quote]phalanx242 wrote:
[quote]JKriminal wrote:
Been off a blast for well over 7 weeks, down to 200mg/wk of cypionate… Had a weeks vacation and still have no VO2 recovery, out of breath during sex and mild activities, sweating a lot more, heart rate still high… never under 84 bpm… should I be worried or just start some cardio?[/quote]
See your primary doctor ASAP. Tell them what your on and go from there. They may send you to a cardiologist. I had a similar problem ( I’m not on steroids) three years ago and the zhit hit the fan pretty quick. There could be a problem with your heart - blocked value or other reason. This type of thing can come on all of a sudden, you could be walking and saying to yourself - damn why am I so winded. Then a day later your fine. I don’t know how old you are, but stuff like this can happen to young bucks and it can be deadly. Heart rate high and out of breath from little exertion, means your heart is working much harder to keep the engine running. Take your condition seriously.[/quote]
I agree go to a doctor.
I mean if your overweight or gained something like 20+lbs from your cycle or your diet is absolute shit then I wouldn’t risk a mark on your medical records, I would clean up the diet and start in on some cardio.
I’m 34, about 12-14% bf… I was running 750mg test cyp for the second time, stacked with 50mg of tren ED for 5 weeks then switched to NPP for about 5 weeks then had a case of deca dick, and my blood pressure raised a lot… I stopped immediately and started to taper to a cruise level. Got blood tests done and my CK was crazy high, among all the usual suspects when on cycle. My Vit D was low. I figured because of the tren my VO2 was affected and would come back.
I gained about 16 lbs of quality lean muscle, started hGH when I started tapering my test down.
Went on vacation to Dominican and took a week off. Lost about 8 lbs on vacation from just not eating as much and partying. Gained back 4 lbs already. But having sex and snorkeling I was winded, walking uphill for ziplines, hiding that im winded from my gf.
This past year almost I’ve been consistently 200+ lbs which is not normal for me either.
Doctor that gave me blood test didn’t see anything bad at the time.
blood pressure went down from 150/95 to about 135/85 and my heart rate is still high, always has been but not this high… I’m lucky to get below 85 bpm ever
You may just be suffering from a high resting heart rate, which your doctor can give you meds for but like I said before it oculd be your diet.
If yoru eating alot of shitty foods then cut back on them and try out some more whole grain options or just healthier.
I know when I was eating mcdonalds everyday I got out of breathe from walking up a few stairs haha
[quote]JKriminal wrote:
I’m 34, about 12-14% bf… I was running 750mg test cyp for the second time, stacked with 50mg of tren ED for 5 weeks then switched to NPP for about 5 weeks then had a case of deca dick, and my blood pressure raised a lot… I stopped immediately and started to taper to a cruise level. Got blood tests done and my CK was crazy high, among all the usual suspects when on cycle. My Vit D was low. I figured because of the tren my VO2 was affected and would come back.
I gained about 16 lbs of quality lean muscle, started hGH when I started tapering my test down.
Went on vacation to Dominican and took a week off. Lost about 8 lbs on vacation from just not eating as much and partying. Gained back 4 lbs already. But having sex and snorkeling I was winded, walking uphill for ziplines, hiding that im winded from my gf.
This past year almost I’ve been consistently 200+ lbs which is not normal for me either.
Doctor that gave me blood test didn’t see anything bad at the time.
blood pressure went down from 150/95 to about 135/85 and my heart rate is still high, always has been but not this high… I’m lucky to get below 85 bpm ever [/quote]
My guess is that your blood is really thick and your weight is high for you. Once you taper off, your blood will thin some, but your body weight will remain high. AAS does not increase your pulmonological capabilities, so it’s struggling to keep up. This results in being out of breath sooner under normal activity and you sweat a lot. At some point weight is weight.
Honestly this sounds like pretty normal physiological responses for what you did to your body. And you are no spring chicken to boot. Young people will not notice this type of stuff near as much.
Those blood pressure readings you gave are not off the charts. A resting pulse of 85 to me is not alarming. Your Dr. would probably throw you some hypertension meds and call it a day. I wouldn’t want to screw with that. Unless you feel you are in a real danger, I would wait 6 weeks post cycle and see how you are doing.
Throw in some aspirin as that will help thin the blood. B12, Milk Thistle and Saw Palmetto probably wouldn’t be a bad idea either. At 34 you want to protect that liver and prostate.
When you carry more weight, all activity is more stressful so you get winded easier and you sweat more. This is true if you achieved your weight ‘naturally’, got fat, or did AAS. Older people notice it much more than young people. The big difference with AAS is the blood thickness which will go away when you taper off.
You said you suffered from Deca Dick but didn’t list it in your lineup, but you did say you were doing Tren everyday for 5 weeks, which is / was more than likely the cause of your “Deca Dick” (actually Tren Dick) and quite possibly the reason you are suffering from shortness of breath, basic cardio problems.
Tren affects aerobic / cardio capacity negatively, what you described are classic symptoms. You should also have been running some Cabergoline while on Tren and / or Deca.
[quote]rbarker wrote:
You said you suffered from Deca Dick but didn’t list it in your lineup, but you did say you were doing Tren everyday for 5 weeks, which is / was more than likely the cause of your “Deca Dick” (actually Tren Dick) and quite possibly the reason you are suffering from shortness of breath, basic cardio problems.
Tren affects aerobic / cardio capacity negatively, what you described are classic symptoms. You should also have been running some Cabergoline while on Tren and / or Deca.[/quote]
You had a blood count done? Hct etc? Get some amlodipine and take that for a while. If all of a sudden you feel better and have loads more gas then your heart is under strain. Could be from high hct or just high blood pressure. Also, how did you feel coming off? Was the gear ugl? Test decanoate can occasionally get subbed for cyp or enanthate.
If that’s the the case then you end up with a very long wash out time, you could easily have a lot of test floating around in that case, esp if you are still cruising. Try taking an ai and see if that makes you feel better, if it kills your sex drive at a dose you’d usually use on cycle then you’ll know your gear was likely sound and it could be one of the other issues. If you start feeling better, well then your test was dodgy (kind of).
And you’ve got a long wait before the gear clears depending on how much you were running.
I was doing Delytestryl… Human grade test enthanate 750 mg/wk
UG Tren Ace (Newport - Canadian) weeks 1-5
UG N.P.P (Newport - Canadian) weeks 5-9
Arimidex - also human grade - 0.5 mg EOD
Did HCG for 3 weeks in the middle
I don’t do any cardio in the gym, have a lot of sex and motorcross… plus just very active
It’s been just over 6 weeks, plus a week off the gym
My progesterone was high, prolactin, Dihydrotesterone, hemocrit and creatine kinase… all way over range
Re - read the last sentence of my post from yesterday; it relates directly to the last sentence of your post today. If you are still over range you need to run some caber and go donate blood, perhaps do a double Red Blood Cell donation to get your high Hematocrit down quickly.
I gave 9 vials for that last test. They screen really hard here in Canada for donation.
Doctor said I can come back for another test when I feel like it.
For the future… I can run test no problem, even seemed like Tren for 4-6 weeks was ok. The min I add an anabolic like Deca, or EQ my hemocrit goes crazy and I run into problems.
What can I stack with on my next cycle?
“They screen really hard here in Canada for donation”
They sure do. They ask for AAS use (I’m guessing because of idiots who share needles!) and if we’ve had “sex with a stranger in the last 6 months”!! WTF is that about? Chance to get a blood transmittable disease by having protected sex with women is near zero. I’ll never be able to give blood unless I lie.
Donating blood is a good idea, I knew of one person that had to do it pretty frequently after AAS use.
I would wait a little more before really worrying, a week isnt all that long.
Also a little alcohol like a glass of wine when its time to relax and a little aspirin can help thin your blood if its all thick and syrupy.
are you sure this is good test, always dangerous if its not from the pharmacy
[quote]c.m.l. wrote:
Donating blood is a good idea, I knew of one person that had to do it pretty frequently after AAS use.
I would wait a little more before really worrying, a week isnt all that long.
Also a little alcohol like a glass of wine when its time to relax and a little aspirin can help thin your blood if its all thick and syrupy.[/quote]
I’d do Fish Oil, CoQ 10 as well or try which ones thin your blood out a decent amount. I was taking all 3 and started getting tingling in my hands when exhaled which I read is a possible sign of lack of oxygenation or whatever. So I stopped the aspirin and it resided. So you gotta kinda play it by ear or just do bloodwork.
Delytestryl is human grade test enthanate from a Canadian pharmacy… I saved up around 12 before I started.
My dick still isn’t working right thou, I switched to Sandoz cypionate… Also human grade from the pharmacy… 100mg Mon, 100mg Thurs and switched my Arimidex to 0.5 mg E3D. Was hoping everything would return to normal by now.
Is caber injectable. I just asked my pharmacy link to grab some. She says its a chemo drug, and injectable? I haven’t ever researched it yet…
And I’m down to my cruising dose. 200mg/wk of test cyp… Do I wait for next blood test to check my prolactin levels or hit the caber still?
My prolactin when tested was 17 on a range of 2-18
And my progesterone was 17 on a range of <4
both my FSH and LH were less than <1 on a range 2-8
hemocrit was 0.52 on a range of 0.40-0.50
I was tested Sept 6 of this year
I also suffer from low 25-hydroxy vitamin D - I’ve been taking min 3000 iu’s a day since my last blood test, without much difference… I got these Vit d2 50 000 iu’s… suppose to take once a week… they weren’t prescribed but should I take them?
I was 60 on a range 75-250… which is low
I would run the caber and lower that prolactin some. 19-Nors can take awhile to recover from even on TRT. You’re hematocrit is somewhat high and could be causing some of your problems. Try donating some blood, baby aspirin can help some.