Alpha Male & Spike - Newbie Question

in the 8 months since my twins were born, i’ve managed to blow up my diet and as a result have ballooned to 36% body fat (read - 8mth carb binge!). got pissed off at myslef and have started dieting and excercising again and went looking for some HOT-ROX to give me a kickstart. Alas, we can’t buy this previously available supp here in australia anymore so i ordered Alpha Male and had planned to use spike tablets as well.

but reading the Spike label, it tells me not to take with any other stim or weight loss supp and i just want to know if i can use these two at the same time or do i flick the spike to my wife.

i tried reading the info in the product pages but just confused myself.

thanks in advance for any guidance


Should be fine.

Basically nothing you wouldn’t be getting if you weren’t taking HOT-ROX

I’d be more concerned with my diet at your level than which supps to take – just some food for thought.

CTF - couldn’t agree more. diet has been under control for last 3 weeks, and was looking for something to help give me a kick start is all.