I noticed in the Carbolin 19 thread it stated that you might want to avoid using Spike with it. He said it was fine with Alpha Male though(I’m pretty sure he meant the old one)
So should the new Alpha Male and Spike be avoided since it has Carbolin 19 in it?
[quote]Alex-P wrote:
I noticed in the Carbolin 19 thread it stated that you might want to avoid using Spike with it. He said it was fine with Alpha Male though(I’m pretty sure he meant the old one)
So should the new Alpha Male and Spike be avoided since it has Carbolin 19 in it?[/quote]
My own recommendation to avoid using the two concurrently applies here as well.
Alex this is what Cy said in another thread asking this question:
"My reason for advising people to avoid using the two concurrently is purely hypothetical.
I just think that in general, it’s probably best to avoid using two neuroactive substances if possible.
When I make such recommendations, it’s not always because I’m concerned about the majority, but even those 1 or 2 out of hundreds that may have an undesirable experience."
If you want to try them together start by using the minimum dose of both and assessing tolerance. If you don’t experience any adverse reaction, I would feel you are good to go. I have used both and had no problem.
Thank you for the quick reply. I have used Alpha Male and Spike concurrently not even thinking about it-I’ve had absolutely insane workouts but I’m worried that it isnt good for my heart.
What about spacing the two out? I get up at 8AM take Alpha Male and Rez-V then eat. Shower(wakes me up) wait about an hour take Spike and BCAA’s then head off to the gym.