Alpha, How Do You Train?

Question for alpha based on his training log:

you don’t eat a whole lot, traditionally, yet you are large as hell. What gives? I don’t think a skinny bastard could eat what you do and gain as much as you do. Are you keeping something from us??

(Not hating that your diet is weird, i get that its bc of your job usually)

(PS get a friggin haircut)

[quote]BSrunner wrote:
Question for alpha based on his training log:

you don’t eat a whole lot, traditionally, yet you are large as hell. What gives? I don’t think a skinny bastard could eat what you do and gain as much as you do. Are you keeping something from us??

(Not hating that your diet is weird, i get that its bc of your job usually)

(PS get a friggin haircut)[/quote]

Read this again :

Dont be THAT guy please, theres enough of them in the forum.

[quote]300andabove wrote:
BSrunner wrote:
Question for alpha based on his training log:

you don’t eat a whole lot, traditionally, yet you are large as hell. What gives? I don’t think a skinny bastard could eat what you do and gain as much as you do. Are you keeping something from us??

(Not hating that your diet is weird, i get that its bc of your job usually)

(PS get a friggin haircut)

Read this again :

-And if you are the 1% smile because everyone thinks you are on roids and are a genetic freak-and refer to you as such behind your back.

Dont be THAT guy please, theres enough of them in the forum.[/quote]

was not referring to steroids, just curious about his diet and how he got there. Sorry if it sounded like an accusation, alpha.

Nah man accuse away! I am 100% natural though, never done any type of roids. Not because I am against them but because I have never had the opportunity…

About the diet, I have mentioned in my log before that I HAVE to do shakes because I spend EVERY single day of the week out of my home state, and more often than not out of the country…and some of the places we go, if you eat their food or drink their water, I would Loose 25 lbs in a day from ass explosions…

If you know that you are going to spend 15 hours on a plane where you can’t sleep, then 30 on the ground doing some stuff that you don’t have a lot of time or desire to eat, then get back on a plane for 16 hours home where you cant sleep, You would find that it is a lot easier to pack and stomach Shakes than real food.

Plus if you look at most of my days, I am taking in anywhere from 240-320 grams of Protein on average, 12-16 fish oil caps, along with fruit vegetables, superfood, BCAA’s and SUpergreens…Tha is still a good amount tf calories…

Oh and yeah I probably DO need a haircut!

I would chew if I could but I can’t so I don’t,


I’m glad this thread was made. Up until now I thought you were just one of those “hawt abz” guys. Then I saw your vids, how big and strong you actually were and read those great rants of yours. Props man, I like your style.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
I’m glad this thread was made. Up until now I thought you were just one of those “hawt abz” guys. Then I saw your vids, how big and strong you actually were and read those great rants of yours. Props man, I like your style.[/quote]

i am glad you appreciate this thread being made. its a shame people wish to make assumptions before engaging their brains and thinking “oh-my-gawdz-dude-da-nu-gai-iz-like-totally-callin-ppl-out!”

this guy is arguably the most impressive member here and many are/were unaware he even posts, i merely wanted to shine a little light on such an impressive man so we could all learn something.

Alpha and i slept in the same bed last night.

he was big spoon.

Thanks for making it stringer!

and Holy mac…it was magical…

Alpha, you got it going on. Nice rants.

Pictures of you and Holy Mac??? lol

[quote]paul496 wrote:
Alpha, you got it going on. Nice rants.

Pictures of you and Holy Mac??? lol[/quote]

dude we’re not gay, we’re just best friends

prove it

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:
paul496 wrote:
Alpha, you got it going on. Nice rants.

Pictures of you and Holy Mac??? lol

dude we’re not gay, we’re just best friends

Gay Best Friends - YouTube [/quote]

haha, thats fuckin brilliant!

Man, I come home and this is the first shite I see?! FML

I agree with HolyMac, I always saw the avatar and figured, yeah he knows what he’s doing, abz and all, but damn. The man is a beast!

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
I agree with HolyMac, I always saw the avatar and figured, yeah he knows what he’s doing, abz and all, but damn. The man is a beast!


thanks brother

Man I always thought that his beastness was obvious

nah man I was hiding it! I heard HolyMac had a had full of ruffies and I was afraid he would accost my “beastness”!

Hey Alpha,

I’m 11 pages into your log and i’m really digging it. I had a question regarding the running you do. Here is what you posted one day.



Ran 1 mile,

4 Rounds of Hill Sprints (Less incline for faster sprints)

Ran 1 Mile

Do you feel running that long is eating away at your muscle? I ask this because I prefer to run for 20-40 minutes instead of walking(I enjoy digging deep to push myself and walking doesn’t force me to do that), but am worried I may be hindering my progress. Any thoughts?

To be completely honest i think it may depend on the individual. When i was going through our (My job’s) version of basic training, and we ran long distances EVERY day, i didn’t even really drop too much muscle mass then. I do usually 1 LSD (Long slow distance) run a week simply because after doing hills and complexes, and other GPP stuff an nice slow run in the country is totally relaxing and I believe it helps me recover…

That said, a lot of times when people think they are not making progress due to something like extra running, most of the time it is a lack of something else (such as intnsity or Dead lifts, or testical fortitude) And I am not saying that is your case, but if you think it is hindering your training it will probably become a self-fulfilling prophecy…

I say all of this to finally say, you can do some LSD work but don’t forsake your sprints, complexes or other GPP…Work hard bro!

And thanks for reading so much of the log, I really do appreciate it!

Good thread…

Alpha’s progress is that much more impressive due to his obviously busy schedule.

Props man, thanks for putting it on the line for our country.