Almost Time to Meltdown

yesterday was my first day as well, combined with my starting the T-dawg diet. The workout is combined rough/not rough. I have joint issues which mean I have ZERO grip so I can’t do anything more than hang from the bar and lift myself an inch. So I was doing a lot so supinated pulldown on the lat bar after exhausting myself from hanging. I also can’t do a full pushup for the same reason - so I substituted girly (knee) pushups. I was still dripping with sweat and thought I was gonna heave after the second set. Hams and glutes are killing me today. Back is feeling it too.

Has anyone thought about the overtraining issue from doing workouts A and B THREE TIMES EACH a week?

Double check the article. You do Day 1, then day 2, rest on Wed, repeast wk 1 on thurs and wk 2 of Friday. Only 4 lifts per week.

See, that sounds more logical to me, but given this is supposed to be serious kick-butt training it could also make sense done 6 days. Here is the quote from the article:

(Day 1 and 2 are to be repeated twice per week)

Not DONE twice a week, but REPEATED twice per week. If it’s only a total of 4 workouts, wouldn’t it say repeated ONCE per week???

I’m confused, as usual :slight_smile:

Started yesterday and No delayed soreness it is damn immediate. I am on a total keto diet right now and this workout is a killer. I may need to up my carbs just to be able to finish it. Damn this is hard. Good luck all. I am doing it four times a week. I do not know where you got 6 times?

Hey guys, i was just curious as to how long does your meltdown workout take you to complete?

The workout takes less than 45 minutes counting 5 min warmup, 10 min stretching and 30 min of actual work.

I’d also like to see people report on physical changes. The claims for fat loss are quite aggressive (60lbs of fat in 20 weeks). I’d like to know realistic results.

Also, can we get a follow up article or staff to address alternative exercises if we wish to due this over 12 weeks for instance

I just finished the first workout yesterday and it was the most intense workout i’ve ever done. I’ve never breathed that hard in my life. I was under the impression that you did each workout 1 time per week. But then i went back and reread the article. Each workout 2x per week. My question is: Am i not suppost to do any cardio with this program. I am following, massive eating (don’t diet) and i don’t feel that my calories are reduced enough to lose a substantional amount of fat.

I took it to be 2x pw each w/o. Joel, the article says to do rope work from week 2, I would suggest doing Coach Davies routine from the last t-mag and this would cause some serious changes, I can’t wait to get into it.

Just finished the fourth weight workout of Meltdown. Finished with a nice long Farmers Walk, so typing this is PAINFUL!!! This is a rather unpleasent workout: I’ve never dreaded my workouts before, but I think the results will be well worth it. Will be following this up with a strength phase with nice looong rest periods.

Howdy, i’m new here, tried this last week and it was awesome, so intense!!!
Then i got ill :frowning: been laid up with the flu all week, just getting over it, gonna hit the gym tomorrow with a nice easy workout to get back into it then i’m going MELTDOWN next week, I can’t wait!
Keep posting with results guys, could do with encouragement from others in the same boat.

Completed the second workout of the series yesterday feel much better today. Soreness almost gone from Monday however still tight. I will need to increase stretching with this program. Getting strong as an ox quickly though. Peace.

Jus’ bumpin it it up

How’s everyone going with the Meltdown Training?
I went too heavy first time around and couldn’t do the concentrics slow enough so i’ve learned from that one and will be knocking the weight back a bit and counting out the full three sconds on every rep.
Curious, how long does does it take you guys to get through the workout?
I want to sub in some power cleans for the lunges on day 2, can anyone see any reason why this might be a good/bad idea?

I just did the second workout of the second week last night, and my wrists are FRIED. I can close my fist, but either I’ve just got muscle soreness in them or I’ve sprained them. Time will tell since it’s a rest day. I’m able to do the workouts a little better, in spite of adding in an extra set. The quality isn’t as nice as I’d like it to be - I just can’t go as slow as necessary on dips or lunges, but I’m still getting a good burn. In combo with the T-Dawg diet, I dropped three pounds last week, and have put two back on - which I BELIEVE is muscle since this part of my upper arm/lower shoulder seems to have really popped out and gotten pumped.

I love meltdown! I love being forced to try and do the things I’ve never been able to, like chinups and pushups. My joints just can’t take a real pushup and chins YET, but I’m trying hard and doing very slow pulldowns to try and work the same muscles. I’m hoping to actually be able to do a pullups assisted by straps byt he end of meltdown. Wish me luck!

First workout of week2 I am doing week one over cause I was not able to get my last set sot I am doing week 1 with same weight this time I got my last set off barely messed up the timeing a bit but sore as hell.