Almost Positive I Have an Adrenal Adenoma

My mind is kind of blown here. Back when I started TRT a couple years ago my LH was pretty high:

LH: 8.5 (1.7-8.6)

Didn’t really think much of it. But I have had a golf ball sized mass right below my chest on my upper abdomen for as long as I can remember under the skin (little chubby you can’t really see it that well with blind eye but can definitely feel it). 10 years maybe. It has never grown it’s always just been there. Doctors always tell me its just a cyst. Have had several chest x-rays in recent years.

Could this me an adrenal adenoma that is completely screwing with my hormones?!

I’m getting a full panel of bloodwork done tomorrow morning but I’m beginning to think this golf ball is an adrenal adenoma the more I read about it. Thoughts?

Doubtful, the kidneys are pretty deep and the superior pole of the kidney is tucked up just behind the 10th and 11th ribs/cartilage.

I jump really hard to conclusions haha. But I haven’t had fasted/comprehensive blood tests done in a while so tests should show why I have been feeling like I can barely keep my eyes open all day. Thanks man.