That is some serious work man. This kind of workout really seems to be another answer to the question “how do I add intensity to my workout?”
Between deepwater and whatever crazy stuff pwn does, that list is a couple miles long at this point. The trick is to dig up the discipline to implement them
I genuinely underestimated this program, knew it would be hard but today was relentless - I should probably have considered my lifts and conditioning work, rowing fried my grip and lats (which don’t feel overly well recovered from the chins the other day), then between dls and burpee chins the pain just continued!
Coupling this program with: very poor sleep recently and probably one of the most “stressful” periods (I don’t generally feel stress, more harried) of my life, and my ever terrible diet (pizza is in the oven!) It’s a clearly stupid idea, but I’ve started so I’ll finish (I hope).
Of all the things hard rowing fries, this is what you choose
Haha yes intensity is something this program has an absolute tonne of, I’ve always been a 531 man, so hitting my AMRAP was Lazer focus and something I could do pretty well, then the rest of my sessions were pedestrian really, this is a change of pace entirely and is definitely going to be a challenge to my mental fortitude - the article pwn posted the other day rings through my head frequently - kill your excuses or your excuses will kill you, I’ve been applying it to my everyday life but I really have to be intentional applying it to lifting!
I’ve really been trying to apply this to my training to get away from the stuff I feel comfortable doing as well. CoVid has been great for me to shake off some of the lazy habits I’d got into in some areas of my life. I’m trying to make it spill over into lifting. So all the unpleasant stuff that I hate doing will probably make an appearance over the next half a year.
Good luck, man. I hope you’re able to make it through.
I also chose a bad time to give it a shot. I do intend to return to it or another of his similar programs in the future. I’m doing at least more supersets and nonsense now to try to get some idea of the conditioning. I think when I do his stuff again, my bodybuilder mindset needs to change - I have to make my last “crisp” rep my last rep instead of grinding out every rep of every set.
Haha I don’t know what to say, I really noticed it in my foreaems and lats, my head was also doing a number on me trying to get me to quit!
Good man, I’m not lazy but I have a big procrastination problem, and unintentionally distract myself with meaningless crap (or at least things of lesser importance that are easier/more enjoyable than what I need to!) - definitely a big area for improvement!
I can already see the power in this program, so I’m sure when you go back to it you’ll enjoy it (or maybe benefit would be a more fitting word!).
I can assure you though there were no crisp reps performed today, just sweat, grunting and a lot of heavy breathing (@Cyrrex - freebie for you!).
Pain in these areas is like mosquito bites. Theoretically should be harmless but make it almost impossible to get shit done
Yeah, this program looks “fun”. I’m trying to bulk and build strength right now, but if I ever gain any weight and want to cut at some point, I’m going to think about using this. Looks like a nice combo of conditioning and strength.
Haha, true, I was shaking pretty fiercely by the end of each set.
Today my legs hurt as well, so glad it’s a rest day, the thought of tomorrow’s session involving somewhere like 8-10 sets of rows is daunting l.
It’s definitely heavy on the conditioning everything is supposed to be done on the clock with 90-120 secs rest between giant sets but that creeps up to 3/4 mins by the end, hoping the adaptions kick in quick and I’m keeping fully on track by the end.
I’d guess for you this might be quiet a challenging program with an already physical job - iirc you said you push hard and get injured, although I’m only a week in I’d guess this program wouldn’t discourage you from that course of action. I spend most of my days being a desk jockey so hopefully I can survive it haha.
Do Deep Water. Thank me later.
Haha, the good old deep water suggestion - I cannot imagine doing 10 sets of 10 against the clock, sounds like torture!
You run it yet dagill?
Absolutely not, no. I largely recommend it as part of a long running joke while safe in the knowledge that if someone takes it seriously, it’s probably going to do good things for them.
Technically I could do it, because I do seem to be finding the time for 4 sessions a week right now so its technically possible.
I’ve done several of the individual sessions or 10 x 10s, but that’s a long way from doing the whole program.
Either dark horse or deepwater would have to be a winter time program for me, when work slows down.
10 sets of 10 does not sound fun.
Ah yes that’s a great idea, but yea deep water sounds more miserable than dark horse, I usually end up close to 10 sets across the giant set, but the weights and reps vary, nothing so soul destroying as 10x10 with the same weight, not sure deep water is ever something I’d even consider (doesn’t resonate with my training style).