Ok, as I am writing this it is midnight, Central Standard Time. I just checked the weather and it is still 85 degrees. 85 DEGREES AT MIDNIGHT!?! I mean come on, it wouldn’t be right to live in the midwest without the 76% HUMIDITY THAT ACCOMPANIES THE 85 DEGREES. I mean, WTF? It should be in the 70’s at the highest. When I wake up in the morning around 7:30-8a every morning, it is already 85 degrees. I want to ride my bike to work, but damn, it is so fucking hot. Anyone else experiencing some absurdly abnormal weather?
Aye, I live in Northeastern Oklahoma.(in a suburb of Tulsa) Try running in this shit at 1:00 p.m. I’ve never had a heat stroke or heat exhaustion, but I imagine it sucks like nothing else.
As I type this a "cold front" is coming through. I use the term cold front loosely because the high tomorrow will still be in the 90s, just without the humidiity and dare I say a north wind. The angels are singing in heaven I tell ya.
No shit, I think just started raining. Indeed, the angels are singing.
It’s about the same here, except the humidity is always at least 85%. Maybe Tropical Storm Caroline will cool us off for a while.
Reading this makes me love living in San Diego all the more…cool night breezes and 70s and 80s max during the day near the coast. Can’t be beat.
you just described virginia weather. Every year it is just like that. Sucks doesn’t it.
Well Dude its been raining here all week, so the temp is bearly reaching into the 90’s, just cant’t wait till Aug so the 100’s will be here…hahaha, I need an ac job
Where I am SC, we’ve had a damn good summer. We haven’t hit the 100’s once yet, and it’s only recently started staying warm through the night. Sorry.
I second solo’s vote about Virginia weather. It’s kind of like living in a giant arm pit all summer.
Move to Texas
Jwright, that is normal midwest weather…
In Minnesota here we just got through another one of those periods, but several days of rain finally broke the temp down into the 70’s for a few days. Plenty of green action going on here now.
Now, I dont really mind the 80-90’s with high humidity as much as I HATE THE FARKING MOSQUITOS. Dang them things are horrid, especially this year with an abundance of rain and all the standing water we have in this state covered with lakes.
its been just HOT since the 4th. it was a dry 107 degrees here. there was no one outside. and since then its finally dropped to slowly all the way to 96 or so. yay me!! i don’t have humidity here but we do have the dryness which feels like a damn blow dryer on high all day everyday.
and don’t even get me started on the mosquitos here. just trying to play a little b ball outside i comeback like a connect the dots.
Yeah the weather here in San Diego is really wacky today…
It’s actually a little cloudy
Mosquitos can you say West Nile Virues
Man, the mosquitoes freakin love me. I went on a cruise in May, and we stopped at Belize City, Belize. It was cool, got to see some Mayan Ruins and some Sea Lions in the wild. Well, the next day we stopped at Honduras. I get off the ship, go to put some 4 sunscreen on and everyone freaks out when they see my back. Why, you must ask…THE FUCKING SAND FLEAS BIT ME AT LEAST 100 TIMES ON MY BACK. EACH ONE LEFT ABOUT A 1/4" SQUARE RED MARK ON MY DARK, OLIVE TONE SKIN. You could have seriously played connect the dots. The worst part, you didn’t feel any of the bites.
Even worse, I got a bit on the tip of my dick. Not cool man, not cool. Never going back to Belize.
By Who?
“Must sleep, too tired to quote…Zzzzzzz”
~ Cake
By a sand flea on the pene, 'cake with icing.
As for mosquitos, anybody here tried that B vitamin supplement thing? I have heard (and will be trying shortly) that the daily consumption of B vites sends those pesky bloodsuckers running for the hills. Dont know if it is a specific B, though. I
ll take the whole complex as insurance!
Very curious because I know lifters all most higher vitamined at start than the rest of the population, and some complain about the skitos. Could debunk the whole thing. Feedback welcome, as usual.
Sunbeam makes a product that looks like a little penis. It sends an electronic signal to mosquitoes to stay the fuck away from me. It works beautifully. Occasionally, however, I have to listen to the comments from others who tell me that I have a dildo hooked on to my pants. Yeah, well, I’m not the one covered in ugly red bite marks so fuck you, assholes!
well, 115 here in Vegas today and 115 again tomorrow. the good news is next weekend it’s supposed to be “cooling” down to 105!