Afghanistan: One Point Overlooked

Everyone that says we should pull our troops out of Iraq and put more soldiers in Afghanistan have it ass-backwards. Do you really want is to launch a massive groud coalition on Afghanistan? Have you not learned anything from the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 80’s?

Fortunately, our Generals have. They know that with the rugged, brutally harsh terrain in Afghanistan, our troops must be deployed in small, agile, self-sufficient teams. Mounting a conventional ground assault would be like sending lambs to the slaughter. Talk about American body counts mounting rapidly.

Iraq is one of the most influential nations in the region. Converting them to a Democracy would have a significant impact on the entire Middle East. Like I said, Bush’s plan may not be perfect, but the long term strategy is sound, IMO.


If you keep making so much sense, e-hater will “accuse” you of being me!!!

It will be my honor!!!


[quote]JeffR wrote:

If you keep making so much sense, e-hater will “accuse” you of being me!!!

It will be my honor!!!


HA, whatever makes them sleep at night, right? To them I say - BRING IT!


Excellent point. Some people cannot get past the WMD issue and see that there is a real strategy.

[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:

Excellent point. Some people cannot get past the WMD issue and see that there is a real strategy.[/quote]

Don’t you know, Zap? The strategy is for our gov’t to stage ‘terror attacks’ and blame the Middle East so we can go over there and take their oil.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:

Excellent point. Some people cannot get past the WMD issue and see that there is a real strategy.

Don’t you know, Zap? The strategy is for our gov’t to stage ‘terror attacks’ and blame the Middle East so we can go over there and take their oil. [/quote]

I keep forgetting because I have been Hannitized. Whatever that means.

When liberals run out of arguments (which is most of the time) they simply name call.

On this forum they not only name call, they accuse you of being JeffR.

Jeff seriously, are you every Bush supporter on this forum?


Insert stupid background music:

I’m every Conservative, it’s all in me…

Ok, it’s official, I hate myself.


JeffR/Zeb/Panther/Rain/BB/GeorgeBushRules/ Cream/Vegita/Nephorm/Wufguy

That’s all the Split Personalities I can hold today.


[quote]JeffR wrote:

Insert stupid background music:

I’m every Conservative, it’s all in me…

Ok, it’s official, I hate myself.


JeffR/Zeb/Panther/Rain/BB/GeorgeBushRules/ Cream/Vegita/Nephorm/Wufguy

That’s all the Split Personalities I can hold today.


??? What about me??? I got a GOP card.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:

Excellent point. Some people cannot get past the WMD issue and see that there is a real strategy.

Don’t you know, Zap? The strategy is for our gov’t to stage ‘terror attacks’ and blame the Middle East so we can go over there and take their oil. [/quote]

well I hope that plan works and the price comes down! Wasn’t it supposed to come down because GW made a deal with the Saudi’s and cut Halliburton in on it?

[quote]Panther1015 wrote:
Everyone that says we should pull our troops out of Iraq and put more soldiers in Afghanistan have it ass-backwards. Do you really want is to launch a massive groud coalition on Afghanistan? Have you not learned anything from the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 80’s?

Fortunately, our Generals have. They know that with the rugged, brutally harsh terrain in Afghanistan, our troops must be deployed in small, agile, self-sufficient teams. Mounting a conventional ground assault would be like sending lambs to the slaughter. Talk about American body counts mounting rapidly.

Iraq is one of the most influential nations in the region. Converting them to a Democracy would have a significant impact on the entire Middle East. Like I said, Bush’s plan may not be perfect, but the long term strategy is sound, IMO. [/quote]

After your shirt-on pics fiasco, and thereafter reading your writings in here…I say welcome to the board dude!

 I hope to God you are all wrong. If you are right we have an extraordinarily incompetent person as our President. He is the Inspector Clouseau of Presidents. If Iraq becomes a democracy it will be in spite of his leadership not because of it. 
On the other hand, if his plan had nothing to do with democracy and defeating terrorism but was to make him, his family, and his cronies a great deal richer and more powerful then he is doing a great job. 

Personally, I believe he is doing a great job for his cronies. And while I would prefer a President who actually cared about Americans and making us safer; I will take the greedy, narcissistic one we actually have over the incompetent imbecile you describe. If he really was stupid enough to believe the things he says we would probably all have already died under a mushroom cloud when he pushed the wrong button.

[quote]freemark wrote:
I hope to God you are all wrong. If you are right we have an extraordinarily incompetent person as our President. He is the Inspector Clouseau of Presidents. If Iraq becomes a democracy it will be in spite of his leadership not because of it.
On the other hand, if his plan had nothing to do with democracy and defeating terrorism but was to make him, his family, and his cronies a great deal richer and more powerful then he is doing a great job.
Personally, I believe he is doing a great job for his cronies. And while I would prefer a President who actually cared about Americans and making us safer; I will take the greedy, narcissistic one we actually have over the incompetent imbecile you describe. If he really was stupid enough to believe the things he says we would probably all have already died under a mushroom cloud when he pushed the wrong button.

Do you have any proof to support your rantings? Or are you just another angry loser trying to justify voting for a loser for the second straight election? They have group therapy for folks with your condition.

Please prove your allegations. Or get some help.

I think panther makes some good points. Also if we left Iraq now, it would quickly turn into what Afghanistan was before the 9/11. In fact it would be even worse, they would use it as a rallying cry (We beat them in Iraq, we can beat them elsewhere)

I think the middle east needs to be reformed for the sake of it’s people as well as the peoples of the rest of the world. I don’t trust Bush or anyone in his cabinet but I don’t see many other options for reforming the middle east at this point.

P.S. JeffR is scary.

[quote]freemark wrote:
I hope to God you are all wrong. If you are right we have an extraordinarily incompetent person as our President. He is the Inspector Clouseau of Presidents. If Iraq becomes a democracy it will be in spite of his leadership not because of it.
On the other hand, if his plan had nothing to do with democracy and defeating terrorism but was to make him, his family, and his cronies a great deal richer and more powerful then he is doing a great job.
Personally, I believe he is doing a great job for his cronies. And while I would prefer a President who actually cared about Americans and making us safer; I will take the greedy, narcissistic one we actually have over the incompetent imbecile you describe. If he really was stupid enough to believe the things he says we would probably all have already died under a mushroom cloud when he pushed the wrong button.

The topic was Afganistan. Do you have anything to say about Afganistan? Do you have an opinion about something else besides GWB?

I am going to take a wild guess here, you supported Kerry didn’t you…come on admit it. Narcassist, wasn’t he the candidate who got Botox treatments? Greedy…do you think he married Ms. Hienz for a share of the fortune…do you think?

Just a few points you may want to ponder

[quote]hedo wrote:

The topic was Afganistan. Do you have anything to say about Afganistan? Do you have an opinion about something else besides GWB?

I am going to take a wild guess here, you supported Kerry didn’t you…come on admit it. Narcassist, wasn’t he the candidate who got Botox treatments? Greedy…do you think he married Ms. Hienz for a share of the fortune…do you think?

Just a few points you may want to ponder

Actually Panther1015 was talking more about GWB?s strategy for the Middle-East than he was Afghanistan. You should go back and read the original post. Panther1015 seems to think making Iraq a democracy is a good strategy and on that I agree with him. Unfortunately, I do not think GWB does.

The point I am making is that if GWB had really wanted to develop a stable democracy in Iraq he would have done a better job of it. He fights like the French in WWII; he does everything wrong. If he was a general instead of the President he would be a private now. 

There were many experts in the military that had planned what it would take to mount a successful invasion and OCCUPATION of Iraq and our President decided to ignore them because he and his civilian advisors ?knew better?. If you screw up and try to fix it you can be forgiven.

Lincoln made many mistakes his first year as C-I-C, but he learned from them and eventually became victorious. Our current C-I-C refuses to learn from his screw ups and our servicemen are dying because he refuses to learn from them and listen to the military commanders that were right. Germany lost WWII in large part because their C-I-C would not listen to his generals and I see the same thing happening to us.

[quote]Rockscar wrote:
After your shirt-on pics fiasco, and thereafter reading your writings in here…I say welcome to the board dude![/quote]

I commented on that post on the Tech Support board

Totally came off the wrong way. And like I said many times, I was purposely acting like an ass in those photos for shits and giggles. It wouldn’t be an accurate assesment of who I am if you judged me by those pics.

freemark wrote:

“Lincoln made many mistakes his first year as C-I-C, but he learned from them and eventually became victorious. Our current C-I-C refuses to learn from his screw ups and our servicemen are dying because he refuses to learn from them and listen to the military commanders that were right. Germany lost WWII in large part because their C-I-C would not listen to his generals and I see the same thing happening to us.”

Please educate me on this one freemark. I see W. pilloried routinely by the see-no-evils for listening to his generals “too much.” In fact, I’ve seen him routinely criticised for defering to the generals regarding strategy and troop depolyments.

Again, I’m interested in your point of view.



hedo wrote:

“??? What about me??? I got a GOP card.”

Hey Hedo. Sorry, that was this morning.

Tonight, I’m Hedo and Zap.

It’s been a busy day in my head!!!


[quote]ZEB wrote:
When liberals run out of arguments (which is most of the time) they simply name call.

On this forum they not only name call, they accuse you of being JeffR.

Jeff seriously, are you every Bush supporter on this forum? [/quote]

Dear conservatives: you suck! Go back to your bible chins, polishing your Dubya photos, and cleaning the gun rack on the back of your pick-up trucks.

You are all really schizo JeffR. Zeb is his Christian personality, RainJack is his roid raging Texan self, BB is the smart obsessive/compulsive side (who did well at school), and when he was hedo he was king of the class put-down. The actual JeffR is his immature repressed remnant 16 year old personality.

I have no arguments today.

Just remember, you all suck.